January templates

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January templates for daily content.

Monthly templates: February templates

Daily templates

January 1

January 1

2024: Footprints in the snow @ 9:13 a.m.

• ... that cosmological theorist Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for heresy after a trial by the Roman Inquisition, during which Bruno's pantheism was a matter of grave concern, although formal charges cited Bruno's denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation?

• ... that chromatographic analysis of Golden Spiral unexpectedly revealed "at least five hundred and twelve, perhaps two or even four times as many" previously unknown shades of the color yellow?

• ... that mathematician and physician Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus is considered by some to have been the inventor of European porcelain, an invention long accredited to Johann Friedrich Böttger (although others believe that porcelain had been made by English manufacturers at an even earlier date)?

Star Trek

January 2

January 2

{{Template:Daily Image/January 2]] {{Template:Better Than News/January 2]] {{Template:Are You Sure/January 2]] Template:Selected anniversaries/January 2 Template:Daily Favorites/January 2

January 3

January 3

• ... that astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks made a simple helioscope by focusing the image of the Sun through a telescope onto a plane surface, whereby an image of the Sun could be safely observed?

• ... that computer science pioneer Peter Naur disliked the term "computer science", suggesting it be called "datalogy" or "data science"?

• ... that artist Karl Jones has said that his drawings "fall into two categories: spirals and monsters"?

Non-Fungible Tokens

January 4

January 4

• ... that physicist Max Born formulated the now-standard interpretation of the probability density function for ψ*ψ in the Schrödinger equation, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954?

• ... that the capacitor plague, a problem related to a higher-than-expected failure rate of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors manufactured between 1999 and 2007, has been blamed on the mis-copying of a formula during industrial espionage?

• ... that physicist Erwin Schrödinger addressed the problems of genetics, looking at the phenomenon of life from the point of view of physics, in his book What Is Life?

• ... that the underlying principles of portable envy devices remain unclear, and there is currently no agreed-upon theory explaining why envy is the only emotion which can be migrated into electronic storage devices?


January 5

January 5

January 6

January 6

January 7

January 7

January 8

January 8

January 9

January 9

January 10

January 10

January 11

January 11

January 12

January 12

January 13

January 13

January 14

January 14

January 15

January 15

January 16

January 16

January 17

January 17

January 18

January 18

January 19

January 19

• ... that James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young NFT is a nichtfungibletokenroman written in a modernist style about the intellectual and financial awakening of young Stephen Dataloss, Joyce's fictional alter-NFT ego, whose surname alludes to the loss of data, which undermines the non-fungible token economy?

• ... that chemist and physicist Henri Victor Regnault studied the thermal properties of matter; that he designed sensitive thermometers, hygrometers, hypsometers and calorimeters, and measured the specific heats of many substances and the coefficient of thermal expansion of gases; and that in the course of this work, he discovered that not all gases expand equally when heated and that Boyle's Law is only an approximation, especially at temperatures near a substance's boiling point?

• ... that Dee Ring, the home-repair superspy played by Patrick McGoohan in the television series D-Ring: Agent of Suspense, also appears in a crossover episode of Secret Reagent Man starring McGoohan and Johnny Rivers?

• ... that astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn studied the proper motions of stars, reporting in 1904 that these were not random, as it was believed in that time; stars could be divided into two streams, moving in nearly opposite directions; and that it was later realized that Kapteyn's data had been the first evidence of the rotation of our Galaxy, which ultimately led to the finding of galactic rotation by Bertil Lindblad and Jan Oort?

• ... that The Man From K.E.S.S.E.L. is an American science fiction buddy television series about a pair of space pilots (Robert Vaughn and David McCallum) who work for K.E.S.S.E.L., a secret interplanetary smuggling ring?


January 20

January 20

• ... that mathematical analysis (or simply analysis) is the branch of mathematics dealing with limits and related theories, and that analysis evolved from the use of calculus to detect and prevent crimes against mathematical constants?

• ... that Project SCORE (Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment) was the world’s first communications satellite, as well as the first successful use of the Atlas rocket as a launch vehicle?

• ... that physicist David Brewster discovered the photoelastic effect while studying double refraction by compression, inaugurating the field of optical mineralogy?

• ... that electrical engineer Elisha Gray invented a harmonic telegraph which transmitted multiple tones simultaneously, and that each tone was controlled by a separate telegraph key?

2001: A Space Odyssey

January 21

January 21

• ... that in 1995, a political scandal resulted in Denmark after a report revealed the government had given tacit permission for nuclear weapons to be located in Greenland, in contravention of Denmark's 1957 nuclear-free zone policy: and that orkers involved in the clean-up program following the 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash have been campaigning for compensation for radiation-related illnesses they experienced in the years after the accident?

• ... that the musical film West Side NFT was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won 10, including Best Non-Fungible Token?

• ... that the Lichnerowicz Commission, formed in 1967, was named after physicist and mathematician André Lichnerowicz; that the commission recommended a curriculum based on set theory and logic with an early introduction to mathematical structures, specifically recommending introduction to complex numbers for seniors in high school, less computation-based instruction, and more development from premises; and that these reforms have been called New Math and have been repeated internationally?

• ... that Nutcoin is a decentralized squirrel currency, without a central nut cache, that can be sent from squirrel to squirrel on the squirrel-to-squirrel Nutcoin network without the need for burying the nuts in the fall and digging them up during the winter?

• ... that the SCORE satellite, launched aboard an American Atlas rocket on December 18, 1958, provided a first test of a communications relay system in space, as well as the first successful use of the Atlas as a launch vehicle?

• ... that the Red Spot Travel Agency was founded by two high school students whose science fair project about travel to the planet Jupiter was awarded a multi-million dollar NASA grant?


January 22

January 22

• ... that George Metesky (November 2, 1903 – May 23, 1994), better known as the Mad Bomber, terrorized New York City for 16 years in the 1940s and 1950s with explosives that he planted in theaters, terminals, libraries, and offices; that Metesky was angry and resentful about events surrounding a workplace injury suffered years earlier; and that Metesky planted at least 33 bombs, of which 22 exploded, injuring 15 people?

• ... that the 1954 science fiction political thriller film Astronaut Farm is set aboard the Eric Blair Memorial Space Station, and that the film is loosely based on the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell?

• ... that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a prolific inventor of mechanical calculators; and that he invented the Leibniz wheel, used in the arithmometer, the first mass-produced mechanical calculator?

• ... that Mesopelagium is a restaurant in New Minneapolis, Canada specializing in seafood from the mesopelagic zone; that Mesopelagium is owned and operated by a cooperative of professional oceanographer-chefs; and that all of the seafood is raised in underground aquaculture tanks which provide the high-pressure, low-light environment necessary to responsibly culture mesopelagic organisms?

Food and Beverages

January 23

January 23

• ... that Break In at Tiffany's is a 1961 American romantic heist film about Holly Getlightly (Audrey Hepburn), a naïve, eccentric café society con artist who falls in love with a struggling safecracker?

• ...that mathematician David Hilbert discovered and developed a broad range of fundamental ideas in many areas of mathematics, including invariant theory and the axiomatization of geometry?

• ... that Big Trouble on Little Tatooine is a comedy-adventure film starring starring Kurt Russell, and the first major motion picture in the "Big Trouble in the Star Wars Franchise" series?

• ... that CIA officer and author E. Howard Hunt plotted the Watergate burglaries and other undercover operations for the Nixon administration?

Audrey Hepburn

January 24

January 24

• ... that a B-52 Stratofortress broke up in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina in 1961, dropping two nuclear bombs in the process, and that one bomb descended by parachute and was found intact, while the second bomb fell into a mud pit, and that most of the thermonuclear stage, containing uranium and plutonium, was left in place?

• ... that The Lord of the Sprinkles is an epic high-fantasy film about a baker (Sauron) who creates the One Sprinkled Donut to rule the appetites of Men, Dwarves, and Elves?

• ... that mathematician Werner Fenchel contributed to geometry and optimization theory, and that Fenchel established the basic results of convex analysis and nonlinear optimization theory which would, in time, serve as the foundation for nonlinear programming?

• ... that Soylent Greene is an American conspiracy horror documentary film about Marjorie Taylor Greene and gun overpopulation?

• ... that the Kosmos 954 reconnaissance satellite was unable to safely separate its nuclear reactor due to a malfunction, and that when the satellite reentered the Earth's atmosphere, it scattered radioactive debris over northern Canada, prompting an extensive cleanup effort dubbed Operation Morning Light?

• ... that the song "Meander Boys" by American rock band and consulting fluvial geologists NRBQ reached Number One on the Sedimentary Deposits chart in 1980?

Star Wars

January 25

January 25

• ... that inventor, physician, chemist Charles Grafton Page was comfortable in public performance as a popular lecturer and singer, and skilled at ventriloquism; and that he was wrote a book exposing table-rapping and other deceptive techniques used by Spiritualists?

• ... that The Shape of Water Bagels is a 2017 American romantic fantasy cooking film about a mute chef at a high-security government bakery who falls in love with a captured humanoid amphibian creature?

• ... that Joseph-Louis Lagrange's treatise on analytical mechanics, Mécanique analytique, first published in 1788, offered the most comprehensive treatment of classical mechanics since Newton and formed a basis for the development of mathematical physics in the nineteenth century?

• ... that Ayn Rand Shrugged is a historical novel by Sisyphus about author Ayn Rand?

• ... that during the Norwegian rocket incident of January 25, 1995, Russian nuclear forces were put on high alert, and the nuclear weapons command suitcase was brought to Russian president Boris Yeltsin, who then had to decide whether to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States?

• ... that Olive Matrix is a science-fiction theme restaurant franchise?


January 26

January 26

• ... that mathematician János Bolyai was one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry, which helped to free mathematicians to study abstract concepts irrespective of any possible connection with the physical world?

• ... that engineer and inventor John Logie Baird, one of the inventors of the mechanical television, demonstrated the first working television system on this day in 1926, and that Baird also invented the first purely electronic color television picture tube?

• ... that Nuraghemancer is a historical novel by William Gibson 1.1 about the architecture of the cyber-Nuraghe structures of Sardinia, and their origin in the Zaibatsu Wars?

• ... that mathematician Richard Courant believed that the existence of a physical solution does not obviate mathematical proof, and that he wrote "Empirical evidence can never establish mathematical existence — nor can the mathematician's demand for existence be dismissed by the physicist as useless rigor. Only a mathematical existence proof can ensure that the mathematical description of a physical phenomenon is meaningful."?

• ... that the Flying Diner (also known as the Flying Lunch Car) is the only diner adapted for flight, and that it serves short-order breakfast and lunch in flight?

Office supplies

January 27

January 27

• ... that mathematician and academic János Bolyai was one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry?

• ... that How to NFT a Millionaire is a 1953 American romantic comedy-NFT film about a trio of money hungry gold diggers who rent a luxurious Sutton Place penthouse in New York City, plan to use the apartment to attract rich non-fungible token investors and draw up contracts with them?

• ... that Howard Zinn (24 August 1922 – 27 January 2010) described himself as "something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist."?

• ... that Have You Never Been Kafka is an autobiographical book by Franz Kafka "as told to Olivia Newton-John"?

Orson Welles

January 28

January 28

• ... that physicist Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs supplied information from the Manhattan Project to the Soviet Union during and shortly after the Second World War because he was concerned that the Allies might use the bomb against the Soviet Union once Hitler had been defeated?

• ... that Fatal Recall is a 2021 automotive industry training film about the hidden costs of recalling vehicles. Narration: Sharon Stone, Arnold Schwarzenegger?

• ... that the Ranger 3 robotic spacecraft was supposed to impact the Moon, but that a series of malfunctions caused Ranger to miss the Moon by 22,000 mi (35,000 km) and enter a heliocentric orbit?

• ... that Goldschläger is a 1964 spy film about liquor smuggling by gold magnate Auric Goldschläger, who plans to make Barry Goldwater President of the United States?

• ... that poet Edward Lear invented the nonsense word runcible, and that the word appears (as an adjective) several times in his works, most famously as the "runcible spoon" used by the Owl and the Pussycat?


January 29

January 29

• ... that Nobel award-winning chemist Fritz Haber greeted World War I with enthusiasm, and that Haber played a major role in the development of the non-ballistic use of chemical warfare in World War I, leading the teams developing chlorine gas and other deadly gases for use in trench warfare, and that Haber was on hand personally when it was first released by the German military at the Second Battle of Ypres?

• ... that When Herring Met Salad is a 1989 American romantic comedy film about a chef (Billy Crystal) and a restaurateur (Meg Ryan) which follows the their lives from the time they meet in Chicago just before sharing a cross-country drive, through twelve years of opening new restaurants in New York City; and that the film addresses but fails to resolve questions along the lines of "Can men and women ever open a restaurant together?"

• ... that scientist, theologian, and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg wanted to present a new idea every day in his youth, until around 1730, when he changed his mind, believing that higher knowledge is not something that can be acquired, but that it is based on intuition, and after 1745, he believed that he received scientific knowledge in a spontaneous manner from angels?

• ... that mathematician Samuel Eilenberg is responsible for the Eilenberg swindle, a construction applying the telescoping cancellation idea to projective modules?

• ... that James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young NFT is a nichtfungibletokenroman written in a modernist style, and that it traces the intellectual and financial awakening of young Stephen Dataloss, Joyce's fictional alter ego, whose surname alludes to the loss of data, which undermines the non-fungible token economy?


January 30

January 30

• ... that the corpse of Oliver Cromwell was ritually executed more than two years after his death, on the 12th anniversary of the execution of the monarch he himself deposed?

• ... that Henry Rollins plays Cato the Censor in the 1995 cyberpunk history film Johnny SPQR ?

• ... that inventor and engineer James Watt realized that contemporary steam engine designs wasted a great deal of energy by repeatedly cooling and reheating the cylinder, and that he consequently invented the separate condenser, which avoided this waste of energy and radically improved the power, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of steam engines?

• ... that Planet of the COVID is a global health catastrophe media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans and COVID clash for control; and that the franchise is based on French Patient Zero's 1963 blood sample, code-named "La Planète des seringue", translated into English as Planet of the Syringe or Hypo Planet?

• ... that mathematician and Roman Catholic Cardinal Michelangelo Ricci's published mathematical work is summarized in a treatise of nineteen pages, Exercitatio geometrica, de maximis et minimis (1666), in which he describes the maxima of functions, as well as tangents to curves, using methods that are an early form of induction, and that this treatise was much admired by his contemporaries?

• ... that Two Plus Two Opens The Door is a classic children's book about Gnomon algorithm theory by famed mathematician Alice Beta?

• ... that artist Gil Kane pioneered the graphic novel with his books His Name is...Savage (1968) and Blackmark (1971)?

Keanu Reeves

January 31

January 31

Ridley Scott