Template:Better Than News/January 30
Billy Zodd is a historical drama-adventure superhero film directed by Peter Ustinov and Richard Lester, and starring Terence Stamp, Christopher Reeve, Robert Ryan, Gene Hackman, Peter Ustinov, and Margot Kidder.
Peak drainage basin is the moment at which erosion of drainage basins reaches a rate greater than that at any time in the past and starts to decrease
2001: A Matrix Odyssey is a science fiction film about a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a mysterious black monolith which transcends time and space using human minds as a computational resource.
The Fisher King is a 1991 American fantasy comedy-drama film about a radio shock jock (Robin Williams) who tries to find redemption by living among the fishers— small, carnivorous mammals related to weasels, native to the boreal forests of Canada and the northern United States.
"Love Is Saul Alinsky" is a song by the Troggs.