The Pete and Karl Show

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The Pete and Karl Show (better known as T-PAKS) is an ongoing experiment in high-energy literature conducted by Karl Jones and [REDACTED].


Early theoretical models of T-PAKS emerged in the 2018-2019 era.

Rapid quantum-semiotic advances in 2020 lead to the discovery of the first T-PAKS Gnomon algorithm on the afternoon of Monday, 30 November 2020, during a conversation (voice only) between Karl Jones and [REDACTED].


Current episodes are arranged in temporal order.

Earlier episodes were arranged by funding.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

[REDACTED] logo on work

[REDACTED], you should have a logo or signature mark on your work, to promote your brand.

Twelve Gnomonic Sigils

TO_DO: I need to design twelve "Gnomonic sigils" (signs, symbols) for various GC purposes, e.g. on sundials in place of Roman numerals.

Cross-reference Julius Christ, do something funny with Roman numerals ... animate them, make them fight against Arabic numerals in the Colosseum arena ... similarly, typography gladiators (compare Cooper Black, Forensic Typographer

Cast of Characters

Following up on our conversation of yesterday.

I also have a cast of characters which I developed for comic books (and other media as well, short stories for example, but comic books first). None of them are fully developed, only a few have substantial presence in my imagination, much work needed on my part.

We talked about the first comic book, "Bargain", about a man who plays Russian Roulette in a Twilight Zone carnival. The protagonist is "Feather Cap Man", but really the main character (no names in the comic) is John Havelock, alcoholic immortal time-traveler who plays Russian Roulette for a living.

Main characters in the cast:

See Dramatis Personae for more.

Carnevale Tenebre

Carnevale Tenebre is the dream-carnival where "Bargain" takes place. This is a whole world in itself, under the Gnomon Chronicles brand but represented as "irrational" and "antithetical to Gnomonic thinking" because the Carnevale plays with myth directly, whereas GC uses "quantum semiotics theory" and similar tech-bullshit-speak to give the illusion of Science Credibility.


Patreon subscribers pay small amounts monthly for recurring content

  • Comic strip -
    • Gnomon Chronicles - mix of history and crazy fiction
    • On This Day in History - straight up true history, no crazy, but to be re-used in the Chronicles
    • "Golden Illustrated History" - like "On This Day in History", but more story-telling style, like Golden Illustrated comics

Gnomon Chronicles to illustrate

Here are some of my favorite Chronicles which need iconic illustrations.

Stamp misprints

Postage stamp misprints are funny. Here are two. (Note: station wagons are also funny.)

SS Minnow

SS Minnow (TV series) - "What appears to be a secret death camp on an uncharted Caribbean island run by Nazi officers during the Second World War in collusion with an unlicensed military industrial criminal transdimensional corporation based in the White House ⁠— is actually a highly realistic cover story for psycho-medical experiments of Lovecraftian dimensions involving the fictional yet illegal transdimensional drug Clandestiphrine." - need scenes, story ideas, spinoff shows, pseudo-merchandise

Paperclip Squid

Cretaceous Office Supplies rated very highly on Twitter - people either love cute anthropomorphized animals, or they hate 'em, either way good material for us.

Dennis Hopper

I have an obsession with fictional Dennis Hopper movies ...

CSI parodies

Lots of comedic gold here: people love CSI shows, and the format is spoof-ready — just change the location or the crime or whatever grammatical part goes after the colon.

CSI: Reptile Gastrointestinal Unit - Pilot: "Bite the Hand That Feeds You" - When a Florida alligator bites the hand off a Mafia hitman with a different high-value fingerprint spliced onto each of his fingers, the RGU must slither into action.

Baby Yoda and Werner Herzog

#BabyYoda is big now. We should parodize the hell out of it. Play up Werner Herzog, he is a freaking Rock Star ... we need to meet him, get him into the Chronicles on a first-name basis.

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Kickstarter subscribers put larger amounts in escrow to fund a finished project

Project may be a scaled-up version of a Patreon-funded project, or a stand-alone

  • Comic book
    • Collected comic strips
    • "Bargain" (comic book in progress), and another dozen more issues about other Gnomon Chronicles characters, to form 13 chapters of a graphic novel
  • Laser - burn leather, burn/score paper for papercraft
  • ViewMaster

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