Donnie Dartho
Donnie Dartho is a 2001 American science fiction psychological dance competition film about an emotionally troubled Jedi Knight (Jake Gyllenhaal) who inadvertently wins the Sparkle Motion contest by sleepwalking.
In the News
A Scanner Darko is a science fiction psychological thriller novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick.
Donnie Pinko is a 2001 American science fiction psychological thriller Christmas film starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Billingsley.
Darth Vader and the Quest for Love is a short autobiographical film by Darth Vader.
Imperial Crown is a historical science fiction drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The Many Vocal Instructors of Darth Vader is a short instructional filmstrip about the thousands of vocal instructors who have lost their lives to Darth Vader over contract violations.
Barbie Darko: Commitment to Sparkle Motion is a science fiction psychological comedy film directed by Greta Gerwig and Richard Kelly.
VaderU Kids is an online university for Sith children.
Fiction cross-reference
- A Scanner Darko
- Barbie Darko
- Darth Vader and the Quest for Love
- Donnie Brasco-Darko
- Dr. Frankrabbit, or How We Got Along After the Plane
- Donnie Pinko
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Imperial Crown
- The Many Vocal Instructors of Darth Vader
- VaderU Kids
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Darth Vader @ Wikipedia
- I find your lack of faith disturbing @ YouTube
- Donnie Darko @ Wikipedia
- Donnie Darko - trailer @ YouTube
- Fear and love classroom scene @ YouTube
- Movie theater scene @ YouTube
- Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion @ YouTube
- Pearl Jam feat. Sparkle Motion - Dance of the Clairvoyants (Donnie Darko) @ YouTube
Social media
- 2000s (nonfiction)
- 2001 (nonfiction)
- Michael Andrews (nonfiction)
- Drew Barrymore (nonfiction)
- Donnie Darko (nonfiction)
- James Duval (nonfiction)
- Adam Fields (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Jake Gyllenhaal (nonfiction)
- Maggie Gyllenhaal (nonfiction)
- Nancy Juvonen (nonfiction)
- Mary McDonnell (nonfiction)
- Richard Kelly (nonfiction)
- Jena Malone (nonfiction)
- Sean McKittrick (nonfiction)
- Katharine Ross (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Patrick Swayze (nonfiction)
- Thrillers (nonfiction)
- Noah Wyle (nonfiction)
- Animals (nonfiction)
- Rabbits (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- Darth Vader (nonfiction)
- George Lucas (nonfiction)
- Star Wars (nonfiction)