Category:Mathematicians (nonfiction)
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Pages in category "Mathematicians (nonfiction)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 415 total.
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- Abraham de Moivre (nonfiction)
- Abraham Fraenkel (nonfiction)
- Abu al-Wafa' Buzjani (nonfiction)
- Abū Sahl al-Qūhī (nonfiction)
- Ada Lovelace (nonfiction)
- Adam Ries (nonfiction)
- Adriaan Metius (nonfiction)
- Agner Krarup Erlang (nonfiction)
- Akiva Yaglom (nonfiction)
- Alan Turing (nonfiction)
- Aleksandr Khinchin (nonfiction)
- Aleksandr Lyapunov (nonfiction)
- Aleksey Krylov (nonfiction)
- Alexander Andreevich Samarskii (nonfiction)
- Alexander Grothendieck (nonfiction)
- Alexis Clairaut (nonfiction)
- Alfred Clebsch (nonfiction)
- Alfred North Whitehead (nonfiction)
- Alfred Tarski (nonfiction)
- Algorithmic paradigm (nonfiction)
- Ali Qushji (nonfiction)
- Alonzo Church (nonfiction)
- Anders Celsius (nonfiction)
- Andrey Kolmogorov (nonfiction)
- Andrzej Trybulec (nonfiction)
- André Lichnerowicz (nonfiction)
- André-Marie Ampère (nonfiction)
- Anne Penfold Street (nonfiction)
- Annie Easley (nonfiction)
- Antoine Augustin Cournot (nonfiction)
- Antoine Deparcieux (nonfiction)
- Antonio Manetti (nonfiction)
- Archimedes (nonfiction)
- Armand Borel (nonfiction)
- Arthur Cayley (nonfiction)
- Arthur Eddington (nonfiction)
- August Ferdinand Möbius (nonfiction)
- Bartholomaeus Pitiscus (nonfiction)
- Be Dutiful, Mania
- Benjamin Peirce (nonfiction)
- Benoit Mandelbrot (nonfiction)
- Bernhard Riemann (nonfiction)
- Bernoulli family (nonfiction)
- Bertram Kostant (nonfiction)
- Bertrand Russell (nonfiction)
- Blaise Pascal (nonfiction)
- Buckminster Fuller (nonfiction)
- Bucky Fuller birthday tribute
- Cargill Gilston Knott (nonfiction)
- Carl Friedrich Gauss (nonfiction)
- Carl Gottfried Neumann (nonfiction)
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (nonfiction)
- Carl Wilhelm Borchardt (nonfiction)
- Template:Categories: Blaise Pascal
- Template:Categories: Charles Hermite
- Template:Categories: Christopher Wren
- Template:Categories: Claude Shannon
- Template:Categories: Friedrich Hartogs
- Template:Categories: Kurt Gödel
- Template:Categories: Richard Feynman
- Template:Categories: William Oughtred
- Template:Categories:John Forbes Nash Jr.
- Cesare Arzelà (nonfiction)
- Charles Babbage (nonfiction)
- Charles Critchfield (nonfiction)
- Charles Dupin (nonfiction)
- Charles Henry (nonfiction)
- Charles Hermite (nonfiction)
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz (nonfiction)
- Charles Sanders Peirce (nonfiction)
- Charles Étienne Louis Camus (nonfiction)
- Chiungtze C. Tsen (nonfiction)
- Christiaan Huygens (nonfiction)
- Christian Doppler (nonfiction)
- Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac (nonfiction)
- Claude Shannon (nonfiction)
- Constantin Carathéodory (nonfiction)
- Curt Meyer (nonfiction)
- D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (nonfiction)
- Daniel Bernoulli (nonfiction)
- David Brewster (nonfiction)
- David Gregory (nonfiction)
- David Hilbert (nonfiction)
- David Rittenhouse (nonfiction)
- Denis Papin (nonfiction)
- Derek Taunt (nonfiction)
- Dmitry Mirimanoff (nonfiction)
- Donald Sarason (nonfiction)
- Dorothy Lewis Bernstein (nonfiction)
- Eberhard Hopf (nonfiction)
- Edward Davy (nonfiction)
- Edward Lorenz (nonfiction)
- Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (nonfiction)
- Elwin Bruno Christoffel (nonfiction)
- Emil Artin (nonfiction)
- Emil Erlenmeyer (nonfiction)
- Emmy Noether (nonfiction)
- Erhard Schmidt (nonfiction)
- Erik Ivar Fredholm (nonfiction)
- Ernst Schröder (nonfiction)
- Ernst Zermelo (nonfiction)
- Euclid
- Eustachio Manfredi (nonfiction)
- Evangelista Torricelli (nonfiction)
- Template:Ext links: Kurt Gödel
- Federico Commandino (nonfiction)
- Felice Casorati (nonfiction)
- Felix Browder (nonfiction)
- Ferdinand Georg Frobenius (nonfiction)
- Ferdinand von Lindemann (nonfiction)
- Francesco Bianchini (nonfiction)
- Francesco Maria Grimaldi (nonfiction)
- Francis Galton (nonfiction)
- Franz Ernst Neumann (nonfiction)
- François Arago (nonfiction)
- Friedrich Hartogs (nonfiction)
- G. H. Hardy (nonfiction)
- G. I. Taylor (nonfiction)
- Gabriel Cramer (nonfiction)
- Gabriel Sudan (nonfiction)
- Galileo Galilei (nonfiction)
- Gaspard Monge (nonfiction)
- Gaston Julia (nonfiction)
- Gemma Frisius (nonfiction)
- Georg Cantor (nonfiction)
- Georg Feigl (nonfiction)
- Georg von Peuerbach (nonfiction)
- George Biddell Airy (nonfiction)
- George Boole (nonfiction)
- George Chrystal (nonfiction)
- George David Birkhoff (nonfiction)
- George E. P. Box (nonfiction)
- George Pólya (nonfiction)
- George Salmon (nonfiction)
- George Spencer-Brown (nonfiction)
- Georgy Voronoy (nonfiction)
- Gerhard Ringel (nonfiction)
- Gerolamo Cardano (nonfiction)
- Gertrude Blanch (nonfiction)
- Gilles de Roberval (nonfiction)
- Giordano Bruno (nonfiction)
- Giovanni Alfonso Borelli (nonfiction)
- Giovanni Antonio Magini (nonfiction)
- Giovanni Domenico Cassini (nonfiction)
- Girard Desargues (nonfiction)
- Giuseppe Peano (nonfiction)
- Giuseppe Piazzi (nonfiction)
- God Created the Integers (nonfiction)
- Gordon Welchman (nonfiction)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (nonfiction)
- Gottlob Frege (nonfiction)
- Greedy algorithm (nonfiction)
- Greedy coloring (nonfiction)
- Guo Shoujing (nonfiction)
- Hanna Neumann (nonfiction)
- Hans Hahn (nonfiction)
- Hans Weinberger (nonfiction)
- Harald Cramér (nonfiction)
- Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter (nonfiction)
- Hasan Tahsini (nonfiction)
- Haskell Curry (nonfiction)
- Henri Lebesgue (nonfiction)
- Henri Poincaré (nonfiction)
- Henry Oldenburg (nonfiction)
- Herbert Wilf (nonfiction)
- Herman Hollerith (nonfiction)
- Hermann Minkowski (nonfiction)
- Hermann of Reichenau (nonfiction)
- Hermann Weyl (nonfiction)
- Hilary Putnam (nonfiction)
- Hing Tong (nonfiction)
- Howard Eves (nonfiction)
- Hubert Gautier (nonfiction)
- Hugo Steinhaus (nonfiction)
- Ibn Rushd (nonfiction)
- If there is such a thing as reincarnation 3
- Igor Shafarevich (nonfiction)
- Imre Lakatos (nonfiction)
- Intractability (nonfiction)
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation (nonfiction)
- Irving Adler (nonfiction)
- Isaac Barrow (nonfiction)
- Isaac Newton (nonfiction)
- Ismaël Bullialdus (nonfiction)
- J. Carson Mark (nonfiction)
- J. H. C. Whitehead (nonfiction)
- Jacob Bernoulli (nonfiction)
- Jacob Bronowski (nonfiction)
- Jacques Hadamard (nonfiction)
- Jacques Ozanam (nonfiction)
- Jacques Philippe Marie Binet (nonfiction)
- Jacques-Louis Lions (nonfiction)
- James Braid (nonfiction)
- James Clerk Maxwell (nonfiction)
- James Joseph Sylvester (nonfiction)
- James Watt (nonfiction)
- Jan Brożek (nonfiction)
- Jan Łukasiewicz (nonfiction)
- Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre (nonfiction)
- Jean le Rond d'Alembert (nonfiction)
Media in category "Mathematicians (nonfiction)"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 371 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Abraham de Moivre.jpg 471 × 600; 57 KB
- Abū Sahl al-Qūhī Perfect Compass.jpg 458 × 612; 89 KB
- Adam Ries.png 330 × 329; 67 KB
- Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel.jpg 641 × 899; 98 KB
- Adriaan Metius.jpg 513 × 600; 58 KB
- Agner Krarup Erlang.jpg 254 × 406; 10 KB
- Akiva Yaglom.jpg 285 × 400; 13 KB
- Alan Turing (1930s).jpg 640 × 825; 74 KB
- Aleksandr Khinchin.gif 337 × 426; 31 KB
- Aleksandr Ljapunov.jpg 221 × 303; 8 KB
- Alexander Andreevich Samarskii.jpg 640 × 478; 86 KB
- Alexander Grothendieck.jpg 268 × 326; 14 KB
- Alexey Krylov 1910s.jpg 285 × 400; 15 KB
- Alexis Clairault.jpg 504 × 600; 126 KB
- Alfred Clebsch.jpg 256 × 326; 18 KB
- Alfred North Whitehead.jpg 285 × 320; 24 KB
- Alfred Tarski 1968.jpg 400 × 271; 50 KB
- Alonzo Church.jpg 235 × 314; 39 KB
- Andrey Kolmogorov.jpg 230 × 333; 43 KB
- Andrzej Trybulec.jpg 335 × 480; 25 KB
- André Lichnerowicz.jpg 400 × 267; 30 KB
- André-Marie Ampère.jpg 444 × 600; 64 KB
- Anne Penfold Street.jpg 292 × 341; 13 KB
- Annie Easley.jpg 464 × 600; 63 KB
- Antoine Augustin Cournot.jpg 550 × 774; 58 KB
- Antoine Deparcieux.jpg 456 × 599; 125 KB
- Antonio Manetti.jpg 415 × 480; 47 KB
- Archimedes-Palimpsest.jpg 573 × 884; 151 KB
- Armand Borel.jpg 264 × 400; 12 KB
- Arthur Cayley.jpg 395 × 599; 54 KB
- August Ferdinand Möbius.jpg 490 × 599; 73 KB
- Be Dutiful, Mania - A Beautiful Mind.jpg 596 × 500; 90 KB
- Benjamin Peirce.jpg 272 × 356; 19 KB
- Bertram Kostant.jpg 400 × 300; 25 KB
- Bertrand Russell transparent bg.png 405 × 600; 149 KB
- Blaise Pascal.jpg 330 × 393; 21 KB
- Buckminster Fuller as a young man.jpg 334 × 441; 19 KB
- Bucky Fuller birthday tribute.jpg 1,600 × 1,400; 459 KB
- Buzjani.jpg 300 × 432; 38 KB
- Cargill Gilson Knott.jpg 182 × 256; 8 KB
- Carl Friedrich Gauss 1840 by Jensen.jpg 705 × 898; 97 KB
- Carl Gottfried Neumann.jpg 268 × 326; 13 KB
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi.jpg 419 × 480; 19 KB
- Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann.jpg 280 × 340; 5 KB
- Carl Wilhelm Borchardt.jpg 493 × 599; 41 KB
- Cesare Arzelà.jpg 491 × 480; 46 KB
- Charles Babbage by Antoine Claudet c1847-51.jpg 428 × 599; 43 KB
- Charles Camus - Cours de mathématique.jpg 342 × 599; 45 KB
- Charles Critchfield ID badge.png 400 × 479; 16 KB
- Charles Dupin.jpg 278 × 326; 23 KB
- Charles Hermite circa 1901.jpg 355 × 480; 16 KB
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz.jpg 250 × 257; 12 KB
- Charles Sanders Peirce in 1859.jpg 446 × 480; 35 KB
- Chiungtze C. Tsen 1932.jpg 431 × 600; 32 KB
- Christiaan Huygens.jpg 287 × 400; 89 KB
- Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac.jpg 480 × 574; 41 KB
- Constantin Carathéodory.jpg 415 × 599; 21 KB
- Curt Meyer.jpg 337 × 479; 22 KB
- Dame Mary Lucy Cartwright.jpg 315 × 361; 26 KB
- Daniel Bernoulli.jpg 423 × 599; 56 KB
- David Brewster.jpg 354 × 473; 44 KB
- David Gregory.jpg 314 × 326; 24 KB
- David Hilbert.jpg 297 × 400; 16 KB
- David Rittenhouse by Charles Wilson Peale.jpg 719 × 899; 151 KB
- Delmedigo.jpg 300 × 380; 37 KB
- Denis Papin.jpg 486 × 599; 102 KB
- Derek Taunt.jpg 220 × 220; 36 KB
- Dmitry Mirimanoff.jpg 456 × 600; 24 KB
- Donald Sarason 2003.jpg 532 × 480; 52 KB
- Dorothy Lewis Bernstein.jpg 200 × 268; 25 KB
- Eberhard Hopf.jpg 800 × 546; 42 KB
- Edward Davy.jpg 330 × 463; 34 KB
- Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus.jpg 381 × 480; 45 KB
- Elwin Bruno Christoffel.jpg 300 × 383; 29 KB
- Emil Artin.jpg 283 × 400; 27 KB
- Emilie Chatelet portrait by Latour.jpg 401 × 480; 43 KB
- Emmy Noether.jpg 315 × 480; 29 KB
- Erhard Schmidt.jpg 284 × 400; 13 KB
- Erik Ivar Fredholm.jpg 288 × 326; 12 KB
- Ernst Zermelo 1900s.jpg 449 × 599; 48 KB
- Etienne Bezout.jpg 280 × 326; 25 KB
- Evangelista Torricelli by Lorenzo Lippi.jpg 446 × 599; 47 KB
- Federico Commandino.jpg 372 × 480; 52 KB
- Felix Earl Browder.jpg 400 × 250; 10 KB
- Francesco Bianchini.png 395 × 543; 120 KB
- Francesco Maria Grimaldi.jpg 347 × 444; 40 KB
- Francis Galton 1850s.jpg 354 × 481; 34 KB
- Franz Ernst Neumann by Carl Steffeck 1886.jpg 397 × 489; 76 KB
- François Arago.jpg 445 × 572; 45 KB
- Fritz Hartogs.jpg 284 × 400; 14 KB
- G I Taylor.jpg 250 × 248; 13 KB
- G.H. Hardy.jpg 312 × 368; 49 KB
- Gabriel Cramer.jpg 300 × 300; 18 KB
- Gabriel Sudan 1932.jpg 420 × 800; 42 KB
- Galileo by Leoni.jpg 414 × 599; 81 KB
- Galileo E pur si muove.jpg 407 × 480; 62 KB
- Gaspard Monge.jpg 556 × 599; 74 KB
- Gaston Julia.jpg 237 × 289; 15 KB
- Georg Cantor 1894.png 332 × 486; 167 KB
- Georg Feigl.jpg 260 × 400; 20 KB
- Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann.jpg 549 × 599; 63 KB
- Georg Frobenius.jpg 201 × 296; 9 KB
- George Biddell Airy 1891.jpg 432 × 599; 46 KB
- George Boole.jpg 250 × 335; 25 KB
- George Chrystal.jpg 268 × 326; 12 KB
- George David Birkhoff.jpg 268 × 326; 9 KB
- George E P Box.jpg 639 × 898; 81 KB
- George Gabriel Stokes.jpg 329 × 447; 42 KB
- George Pólya circa 1973.jpg 208 × 218; 11 KB
- George Salmon.jpg 341 × 480; 31 KB
- George Spencer-Browne.jpg 600 × 600; 29 KB
- Georgy Voronoy.jpg 300 × 400; 59 KB
- Gerhard Ringel surfing.jpg 426 × 600; 41 KB
- Gerolamo Cardano.jpg 250 × 325; 31 KB
- Gilles Personne de Roberval.jpg 390 × 512; 53 KB
- Giordano Bruno.jpg 290 × 326; 20 KB
- Giovanni Antonio Magini.jpg 470 × 600; 91 KB
- Giovanni Cassini.jpg 423 × 588; 35 KB
- Giuseppe Piazzi.jpg 377 × 479; 47 KB
- God Created the Integers.jpg 258 × 386; 22 KB
- God made the integers, all else is the work of man.jpg 1,140 × 500; 86 KB
- Gordon Welchman.jpg 400 × 526; 27 KB
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.jpg 486 × 600; 31 KB
- Gottlob Frege.jpg 443 × 599; 35 KB
- Greedy algorithm 36 cents.svg 965 × 710; 2 KB
- Greedy colorings.svg 303 × 188; 9 KB
- Gérard Desargues.jpg 268 × 326; 13 KB
- Hanna Neumann.jpg 286 × 400; 19 KB
- Hans Hahn.jpg 284 × 358; 21 KB
- Hans Weinberger.jpg 450 × 301; 76 KB
- Harald Cramér.jpg 267 × 400; 14 KB
- Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter.jpg 363 × 438; 30 KB
- Hasan Tahsini.jpg 264 × 350; 19 KB
- Haskell Brooks Curry.jpg 279 × 343; 5 KB
- Henri Lebesgue.jpg 273 × 326; 29 KB
- Henri Poincaré - infobox (29 April 2021).png 313 × 478; 63 KB
- Henri Poincaré.jpg 371 × 500; 17 KB
- Henry Oldenburg.jpg 265 × 357; 19 KB
- Henry Whitehead.jpg 152 × 166; 7 KB
- Herbert Wilf.jpg 388 × 480; 32 KB
- Herman Hollerith.jpg 416 × 600; 37 KB
- Hermann der Lahme.gif 350 × 278; 78 KB
- Hermann Minkowski.jpg 596 × 599; 52 KB
- Hermann Weyl.jpg 462 × 479; 23 KB
- Hilary Putnam.jpg 632 × 899; 151 KB
- Hing Tong.jpg 500 × 317; 122 KB
- Hubert Gautier.jpg 480 × 600; 115 KB
- Hugo Steinhaus.jpg 399 × 599; 50 KB
- Igor Shafarevich.jpg 400 × 354; 85 KB
- Imre Lakatos.jpg 407 × 599; 31 KB
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.jpg 263 × 379; 26 KB
- Ioannes Faulhaberus Mathematicus Imperialis Ulmæ Natus.png 425 × 572; 132 KB
- Irving Adler age 75.jpg 432 × 599; 35 KB
- Isaac Barrow.jpg 503 × 600; 61 KB
- Ismaël Boulliau.jpg 519 × 600; 103 KB
- Jacob Bernoulli.jpg 414 × 463; 50 KB
- Jacob Bronowski.jpg 294 × 326; 24 KB
- Jacques Binet.jpg 161 × 227; 12 KB
- Jacques Hadamard.jpg 300 × 513; 22 KB
- Jacques-Louis Lions.jpg 281 × 400; 13 KB
- James Braid.jpg 509 × 674; 44 KB
- James Clerk Maxwell.png 331 × 398; 101 KB
- James Joseph Sylvester.jpg 287 × 400; 15 KB
- James Watt.jpg 330 × 414; 17 KB
- Jan Brożek.jpg 432 × 500; 41 KB
- Jan Łukasiewicz.jpg 448 × 576; 47 KB
- Jean Baptiste Biot.jpg 397 × 467; 78 KB
- Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre.png 507 × 600; 437 KB
- Jean Charles Borda.jpg 182 × 244; 13 KB
- Jean le Rond d'Alembert.jpg 480 × 600; 33 KB
- Jean Sylvain Bailly.jpg 450 × 574; 21 KB
- Jean-Baptist Tavernier, by Nicolas de Largillière.jpg 338 × 599; 44 KB
- Jean-Baptiste Morin.jpg 635 × 899; 123 KB
- Jean-Charles della Faille by Anthony van Dyck.jpg 549 × 599; 26 KB
- Jean-Étienne Montucla.jpg 424 × 599; 52 KB
- Jeremiah Horrocks.jpg 400 × 284; 77 KB
- Jerzy Rozycki.jpg 568 × 760; 183 KB
- Johan de Witt.jpg 475 × 599; 32 KB
- Johan Ludvig William Valdemar Jensen by Vilhelm Rieger.jpg 247 × 270; 9 KB
- Johann Beckmann.png 322 × 370; 307 KB
- Johann Benedict Listing.jpg 344 × 490; 122 KB
- Johann Bernoulli.jpg 387 × 480; 33 KB
- Johann Friedrich Pfaff.jpg 228 × 268; 25 KB
- Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.jpg 306 × 480; 53 KB
- Johann Jakob Balmer.jpg 432 × 600; 35 KB
- Johannes Kepler 1610.jpg 350 × 481; 44 KB
- Johannes Kies.jpg 351 × 435; 90 KB
- Johannes Regiomontanus.jpg 367 × 600; 79 KB
- Johannes Schöner.jpg 420 × 545; 273 KB
- Johannes Stöffler.jpg 412 × 600; 55 KB
- Johannes Werner.jpg 395 × 600; 101 KB
- John Ashworth Nelder.jpg 365 × 221; 17 KB
- John Backus.jpg 147 × 200; 7 KB
- John Charles Fields.jpg 302 × 400; 16 KB
- John Crank.jpg 260 × 326; 9 KB
- John Dee.jpg 499 × 600; 47 KB
- John Hadji Argyris.jpg 366 × 490; 109 KB
- John Lighton Synge.jpg 252 × 380; 18 KB