Stomach Oil Exporting Petrels
Stomach Oil Exporting Petrels (SOEP) is an interspecies organization of 13 stomach oil-exporting varieties of petrel.
The 13 varieties of petrel account for 40 percent of global stomach oil and 73 percent of the world's "proven" stomach oil capability, making SOEP a major influence on global stomach oil prices.
In the News
Stomach oil attack simulator announces record attendance.
All profits from sales of The Little Petroleum Sample That Could go to fund anti-SOEP activities by OPEC, according to children's petrochemical literature experts.
Alberta sulfur pyramids target of hypothetical SOEP first strike, warn petroleum analysts.
OPEC ministers call SOEP "a cartel, but more than a cartel — a competitor species whose monopoly of the Sky can only be checked by our monopoly of the Earth."