War Diaries (June 5) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for June 5

Previous: June 4 - Next: June 6


Edward Hill: June 5, 1864

Passed a wretched night. Started at daylight down the river suffered excruciating pain all day. No Drs on board who appear to take interest in me, nothing to eat only what Jack forages. Passed Yorktown today, but not strength enough to look out of the window at it.

—Captain Edward Hill, 16th Michigan Infantry, Union Army

Tatsusei Yogi: June 5, 1945

We had no shelter so we stayed under a bush. It rained heavily in the afternoon. Chiyo looks so tired. We spent the day waiting for the rain to stop.

Tatsusei Yogi (diary) - Tutsusei Yogi was a Japanese civilian in Okinawa

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