War Diaries (June 2) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for June 2.

Previous: June 1 - Next: June 3


Edward Hill: June 2, 1864

Suffered terribly from my operation yesterday the ball having passed through the flesh of the hip going also entirely through the Ilium bone from this point the surgeon has been unable to trace it, but I know what he thinks. He thinks that it has passed into the bowels and that I will die.

—Captain Edward Hill, 16th Michigan Infantry, Union Army

George Beck: June 2, 1941

Whit Monday Holiday times like these always bring back memories. The last one I spent in England I went to Derby races with Alice, Kit and Cliff. Here’s hoping this is the last one I spend out of Blighty. Roll on. Weather Grand.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

George Beck: June 2, 1943

Walked round the place alone for about a hour tonight in deep thought. Too much thinking makes a man fed up so I went up to bed early. What a life. It appears I’m just destined to be out of England. It seems years since I was in Sheffield and that was only for a few months. Wonder what Alice and the folks at home are doing now. Latest rumour “England has delivered an ultimatum to Italy and it expires at twelve o’clock tonight.” This as not been confirmed. Waiting for radio report. English naval experts in Turkey.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

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