War Diaries (February 3) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for February 3.

Previous: February 2 - Next: February 4


George Beck: February 3, 1943

Latest newspaper reports, “German sixth army fighting south of Stalingrad has been overwhelmed”. They’re still holding out in the north. Good old Russia.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

Sascha Weinzheimer: February 3, 1945

At about five o'clock last night ten of our planes came over our Camp. One pilot dropped his goggles with a note tied to them ... it fell in the main building patio where there weren't any Nips "“ and lucky a friend of ours found it because we found out right away what it said: "Roll out the barrel! Your Christmas will be here today or tomorrow." Shortly we heard guns and tanks in the distance. Everyone thought it must be the Japs except Daddy. He was sure it was the Americans!

Sascha Weinzheimer, civilian (diary)

George Beck: February 3, 1945

Ten thousand prisoners in Stalag IA East Prussia liberated and now in Paris. Today we were told there is neither bread nor biscuits to eat. The Russians want to come soon as we look like starving, it takes us hours to get a drop of water. What an existence. Roll on home and Alice.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

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