War Diaries (August 16) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for August 16.

Previous: August 15 - Next: August 17


George Beck: August 16, 1941

Saturday Received fresh straw to sleep on and lads complaining that it’s full of fleas. Got three letters from wife, done very well for I’ve had nineteen this week, the latest one dated 19th last month, should be receiving third clothing parcel anytime according to her letter.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

George Beck: August 16, 1942

Our mail has been stopped. Orders have been received from the main camp, to the effect that German prisoners in England, are getting very few letters owing to bad service, until this improves we shall have our mail checked. WE have been told to write home about it but to us this is propaganda. Lovely weather today. As I sit here on the top of the timber gazing at the open spaces, and watching the civilians passing on the main road, it makes one realise what he is missing back in England. Roll on.

George Beck,1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, prisoner of war (diary)

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