War Diaries (April 3) (nonfiction)

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War Diary quotations for April 3

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Creed T. Davis: April 3, 1865

Diary of Creed T. Davis, Private Second Company Richmond Howitzers.

The battle of yesterday proved almost as disastrous as was at first reported, and they say, that not only is Petersburg evacuated but also poor old Richmond—that sweet morsel for which the Yankee world has worked so long and patiently. It is said they occupied Richmond this morning, our troops having destroyed much of the town, before evacuating it, as well as all Government property. We evacuated Fort Clifton last night at l0 o'clock. Perfect silence reigned at the time. A silence that I thought would suffocate me. We marched the balance of the night and to-day we are in Chesterfield county near the Appomattox river. It is said we will retreat to Farmville.

Tatsusei Yogi: April 3, 1945

Tatsusei Yogi was a Japanese civilian.

People in the cave began to leave in small groups to go toward Shuri or elsewhere. Many people left, so we felt very helpless and lonely. Finally at midnight we also decided to leave, but the bombing was so severe that we were forced to return to the cave.

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