Template:Better Than News/November 5
The Hunt for Rocky Horror is a submarine comedy spy horror film starring Tim Curry and Sean Connery.
The Willy Wonka Picture Show is an American musical comedy horror-fantasy film directed by Jim Sharman and Mel Stuart, starring Gene Wilder and Tim Curry.
2001: A Spice Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction stoner buddy film about an intelligent computer (Douglas Rain) who befriends a dispossessed aristocrat (Paul Atreides).
Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep? is a novel by mechanical engineer Chip "Pink Riddle" Kid about a post-petroleum economy where Earth's billionaires have been replaced by androids, leaving most millionaires endangered or extinct. The main plot follows [REDACTED], a Dot-Com Boom millionaire who is tasked with "retiring" (i.e. stealing and reverse-engineering) six escaped Nexus-6 model Jeep Electric Autonomous Vehicles.