Template:Better Than News/March 10
Tropic of Kandor is a Superman story written by Henry Miller. It is Miller's only known work in the American superhero genre.
2001: A Shine Odyssey (1968): In this scene, lead programmer Dick Hallorann attempts to shut down the Overlook Hotel main.
Flow My Androids, The Shepherd Said is a 1974 science fiction novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick about a futuristic dystopia where the United States has become a police state reality television series. The story follows genetically enhanced police officer Felix Buckman, who wakes up in a world where he has never existed.
"L'eggs all the way down" is a of infinitely recursive pantyhose, introduced in 1969 by Hanes, which radically changed the recursive hosiery marketplace. The novel developments were the egg-shaped recursive plastic product container, the shift to consignment sales in drug stores and groceries, and the in-store "Matryoshka doll" product racks designed to emphasize the infinitely self-referential egg shape.
If I am further out there than other men, it is because I have fallen from the shoulders of angels.