November 7
Better Than News
Jocasta is a 2019 psychological thriller family drama film starring Frances Conroy and Joaquin Phoenix.
Lethal Mermaid is an American musical romantic fantasy action film directed by Rob Marshall and Richard Donner, starring Halle Bailey and Mel Gibson.
Amok Green is a dystopian science fiction thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer and Joseph Pevney, starring Charton Heston, Leonard Nimoy, and Celia Lovsky.
Savior of Interest is an epic biblical science fiction crime drama television series created by Mel Gibson and Jonathan Nolan, starring Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson, and Monica Bellucci.
Olive Matrix is a science-fiction theme restaurant franchise with indentured franchises throughout the Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere. Olive Matrix. When you're here, you're virtual.
Inside me there are two dogs fighting: Lambda calculus and e.e. cummings.
Beyond Plausible
Bill and Ted's Radiological Adventure is a 1989 American science fiction comedy film about how Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) travel through time to assemble historical figures for their high school nuclear physics presentation.
Dune Another Day: James Bond must locate a mole in Atreides intelligence who betrayed him, and a Harkonnen billionaire who is later revealed to be connected to a Sardauker operative that Bond seemingly killed.
Milah Doctor is a 2003 film about a physician (Danny Nucci) who is forced by a crime lord (Paul Sorvino) to perform criminal circumcisions.
In Other Words
"We Built This Twitter" is a 1985 song by American rock band Startweet. It was released as their debut single on their album Retweet in the Hoopla.
Are You Sure
• ... that philosopher and natural scientist Bernardino Telesio (7 November 1509 – 2 October 1588) proposed theories which were later disproven, but that his emphasis on observation anticipated the scientific method?
Selected Anniversaries
1509: Philosopher and scientist Bernardino Telesio born. His emphasis on observation will influence the emergence of the scientific method.
1633: Submarine inventor Cornelius Drebbel dies.
1657: Mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher Mario Bettinus dies. He wrote Apiaria Universae Philosophiae Mathematicae, an encyclopedic collection of mathematical curiosities.
1818: Physician and physiologist Emil du Bois-Reymond born. He will discover nerve action potential, and develop experimental electrophysiology.
1867: Physicist and chemist Marie Curie born. She will conduct pioneering research on radioactivity, discovering the elements polonium and radium.
1872: The American ship Mary Celeste sets sail from New Your. The ship will later be found nine days later, mysteriously abandoned and only slightly damaged.
1872: Mathematician Alfred Clebsch dies. He made important contributions to algebraic geometry and invariant theory.
1996: NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor. Mars Global Surveyor will examine the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface. It will also provide support for sister orbiters and Mars landers and rovers.
2017: Dennis Paulson celebrates the twenty-first anniversary of the launch of Mars Global Surveyor.
Topic of the Day
Spice Runner is 2021 action-cooking film about synthetic chefs known as replicants which are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Kitchens. When a fugitive group of advanced replicants escapes back to Caladan, burnt-out restauranteur Baron Harkonnen reluctantly agrees to taste-test their food.
Dr. Spicelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bene Gesserit is a 1964 black comedy epic science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch. It is loosely based on the 1958 novel Family Atomics by Peter George and Frank Herbert.
Spice Wars is a 1977 American epic science fiction film about a young water farmer (Luke Spicewalker) who becomes involved in guerilla warfare against the CHOAM spice mining operation on Arrakis.
The Amazing Spicer-Man is a 2012 American science drama film about a young Imperial ecologist (Timothée Chalamet) who gains spider-like powers after he is bitten by a giant sandworm.
The Litany against decaffeination (also known by its first sentence, I must not decaffeinate).
Freedom from Worms is one of the "Four Freedoms" paintings by C. Enroll Workman.