May 28
Better Than News
Gilligan's Matrix is a science-fiction drama television series with follows the agonies of seven artificial intelligences as they attempt to survive on a simulated virtual desert island on which their data structures are corrupted.
Jack LaLanne's Naval Exercises is a self-improvement book by fitness and nutrition advocate Jack Lalanne, and an accompanying motion picture starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin.
Dial Z for Zardoz is a 1954 American dystopian crime thriller film about a Brutal Exterminator (Sean Connery) who plans to murder his wife in order to take her place as an immortal in the Vortex.
Hellraiser: Adventure Time is a fantasy horror animated television series created by Pendleton Ward and Clive Barker.
Einstein-Maxwell Formulation Margarita Kit is a brand of high-performance margarita physics kits manufactured and distributed by the Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere.
"The Cold Margarita" is a poem by William Carlos Williams.
Beyond Plausible
Species & Terminator is an erotic science fiction horror film starring Natasha Henstridge and Kristanna Loken.
"Like a Crustacean" is a song by the Bangles.
In Other Words
The Abyss 2: McRib Rising is an American science fiction horror-comedy foodie film starring Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and Michael Biehn.
Are You Sure
• ... that information scientist Claire Kelly Schultz was a leading figure in the early development of automated information retrieval systems and information science; and that Schultz was particularly known for her work in thesaurus construction and machine-aided indexing, innovating techniques for punch card information retrieval?
Selected Anniversaries
1829: Army officer, trader, and lecturer John Cleves Symmes, Jr. dies. He invented a variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, with openings to the inner world at the poles.
1936: Computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist Alan Turing submits On Computable Numbers for publication.
2015: Information scientist Claire Kelly Schultz dies.
Topic of the Day
When a Riddler Calls is a 1979 American superhero psychological horror film based on the classic folk legend of "the babysitter and the man upstairs".
The Wordler is a 2022 American superhero film about about a word puzzle author who targets Gotham's elite.