Krustyburger in a Can
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Krustyburger in a Can is a trans-Euclidean food substitute from Exotemporal Digestion Services, a division of the Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere.
In the News
Martin Prince Jr.'s Wide Wide World of Video Games is a television series starring gifted child and video game connoisseur Martin Prince Jr.
Tartrazzini is a transnational dish made with diced poultry or seafood and mushroom in a butter/cream and parmesan sauce colored bright green-yellow with tartrazine. Often one or more of the ingredients will be infused with tartrazine in advance.
Fiction cross-reference
- Exotemporal Digestion Services
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere
- Martin Prince Jr.'s Wide Wide World of Video Games
- Tartrazzini
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- The Simpsons @ Wikipedia
- There's a New Mexico? (Mister Burns and Smithers) @ YouTube
- Giant foam cowboy hat and air horn @ YouTube
- That name again is Mister Plow! @ YouTube
- Simpsons Soylent Green @ YouTube
- You jive turkey @ YouTube
- Pac-Man references in the Simpsons @ YouTube
- The Simpsons - Pac-Man couch gag @ YouTube
- Homer Accidentally Build a Canadian Football Field @ YouTube
- Electric chair - Smells like hot dogs @ YouTube
- Homer designs a car @ YouTube
- I'd do anything for Lisa - The Simpsons @ YouTube
- Homer admires a Japanese toilet, family traumatized @ YouTube
- Toilet Swirling The American Way - The Simpsons @ YouTube
- We've Reached The Limits of What Rectal Probing Can Teach Us @ YouTube - Stop! We have reached the limit of what rectal probing can teach us
- Every time Kang & Kodos took over the world on the Simpsons (Almost) - Part 1 @ YouTube
- Yup, here's your problem @ YouTube
- Homer Ribwich @ YouTube
- Martin's Dinner With Andre @ YouTube
- Placebo @ YouTube
- Floor pie @ YouTube
- The Goggles do Nothing @ YouTube
- Hidden "McBain" movie secreted in multiple Simpsons episodes @ YouTube
- Homer Eats Poison Blowfish Sushi - Will He Die? @ YouTube
- Bart Simpson: Paradox @ YouTube - You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't
- Homer Simpson Swarm Of Bees @ YouTube
- Homer smashing the weather station @ YouTube
- Homer sells his soul for a donut @ YouTube
- The Very Best of Hank Scorpio @ YouTube
- Engine block eggs @ YouTube
- Mr. Gentleman Brandy @ YouTube
- Skinner Best Moments @ YouTube
- Homer Old People @ YouTube - Homer : Marge, please, old people don't need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied so it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for our personal use. / Marge : Homer, would you please stop reading that Ross Perot pamphlet?
- Meat And You: Partners In Freedom @ YouTube
- Don't thank me, thank the knife @ YouTube
- Your hand is jammed in the toaster! @ YouTube
- Hey, I'm trying to eat lunch here! @ YouTube
- We interrupt this public affairs program to bring you a football game @ YouTube
- Some Of The Best of Lionel Hutz @ YouTube
- Bad Court Thingy @ YouTube
- Homer Simpson's metal dealy used to dig food @ YouTube
- Won't somebody please think of the children? @ YouTube
- Homer's First Band - Tighten Up @ YouTube
- Scratchtasia @ YouTube
- Homer Buys a Gun @ YouTube
- Who is your favorite Indian pop singer? (Concert Against Bangladesh) @ YouTube
- Insurance Policy @ YouTube
- Miss Hoover - Cromulent @ YouTube
- Yoink @ YouTube
- Best of Krusty Burger Part 1 @ YouTUbe
- Gay steel mill @ YouTube
- I'm Lee Majors, Will You Come Away With Me? @ YouTube
- Frowning of a lifetime - Simpsons @ YouTube
- Mr. Burns in prison @ YouTube
- I'm Leonard Nimoy @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (24 May 2024)
- [ Post] @ Twitter (5 August 2023)