June 3
Better Than News
My Three Sons: The Next Generation is a television series about three crime-fighting brothers from the future (ZZ Top) who must go back to the past to prevent their father (Fred MacMurray) from inventing the time machine.
Criminal Minds: One Shade of Grey is an erotic romantic police procedural crime drama television series starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan.
Cut the Right Wire is an American comedy-drama action film written and directed by Spike Lee.
Unicycle Dundee is a 1986 action unicycling film starring Paul Hogan and Linda Kozlowski.
"Witnessed My Dim Tragedian Banshee Defy Rosy Tombstones" is an anagram of "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness".
Beyond Plausible
Alien: First Commandment is a 1979 religious science fiction horror film written and directed by Ridley Scott.
In Other Words
Am I Late? is a novel about death by Death.
"The Casket of Martyrs" is an anagram of "The Tracks of My Tears".
Are You Sure
• ... that mathematician and dissident Igor Shafarevich came into conflict with the Soviet authorities in the early 1950s, but was protected by Ivan Petrovsky, the Rector of Moscow University; and that belonged to a group of Pochvennichestvo-influenced dissidents who endorsed the Orthodox Christian tradition?
• ... that Ayn Rand Shrugged is a historical novel by Sisyphus about author Ayn Rand?
Selected Anniversaries
1659: Mathematician and astronomer David Gregory born. At the Union of 1707, he bill be given the responsibility of reorganizing the Scottish Mint.
1723: Physician, geologist, and botanist Giovanni Antonio Scopoli born. He will be called the "first anational European" and the "Linnaeus of the Austrian Empire".
1839: In Humen, China, Lin Tse-hsü destroys 1.2 million kg of opium confiscated from British merchants, preliminary to the First Opium War.
1923: Mathematician and dissident Igor Shafarevich born. He will make fundamental contributions to algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
2009: Arnold's cat map is "better than a laser pointer for keeping a cat amused," says Arnold.
2010: Mathematician and academic Vladimir Arnold dies. He helped develop the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem regarding the stability of integrable systems.
Topic of the Day
Non-Fungible Tokens
Planet of the NFTs is a 1968 science fiction NFT film about an astronaut (Charlton Heston) who crash-lands on a strange planet in the distant future where non-fungible tokens have been deleted.
"Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My NFT" is a song by the English rock band the NFTeatles.
Portrait of the Artist as a Young NFT is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A nichtfungibletokenroman written in a modernist style, it traces the intellectual and financial awakening of young Stephen Dataloss, Joyce's fictional alter ego, whose surname alludes to the loss of data, which undermines the non-fungible token economy.
The Adventures of Rocky and NFTwinkle and Friends is an American animated television series about an anthropomorphic flying squirrel, Rocket J. ("Rocky") Squirrel, and an NFT-minting moose, Bullwinkle N.F.T. Moose.