July 18
Better Than News
Messiah of Steel is a 1988 epic religious superhero drama film directed by Martin Scorsese.
Barbie 2049 is a fantasy comedy science fiction thriller film directed by Greta Gerwig and Denis Villeneuve, and starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and Ana de Armas.
Groundhog Day 2: Magic Mike Afterparty is a science fictional comedy-romance film starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
Tweeter is a 2012 American science fiction action-thriller film about contract social media influencers called "tweeters" hired by criminal syndicates from the future to influence followers in the past.
Evidence emerges that rogue mathematician and alleged time-traveler Anarchimedes is constructing a LEGO-powered doomsday weapon.
L5 Satire Associates is a provisionally licensed transdimensional corporation which manufactures and distributes satire and satire-related services to Euclidean-space organisms.
Mesopelagium is a restaurant in New Minneapolis, Canada specializing in seafood from the mesopelagic zone.
Beyond Plausible
The Lord of the Sprinkles is an epic high-fantasy film about a baker (Sauron) who creates the One Sprinkled Donut to rule the appetites of Men, Dwarves, and Elves.
"Naked Juice Time" is one of the "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek.
In Other Words
The Thing: Why I am an Alien Shape Changer is an autobiographical book by G. K. Chesterton 1.1 about his efforts to reconcile his mission as an extraterrestrial shape changer with his deeply held Catholicism.
"The Eyebrows Incident" is one of the "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek.
Are You Sure
... that geologist and astronomer Eugene Merle Shoemaker was the first scientist to conclude that Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona, and similar craters, were caused by meteor impact?
... that "God's Avionics Recompute One Sonnet" is an anagram of "Devotions upon Emergent Occasions"?
... that Violet Spiral 2 is digitally edited to include a black background and detailed features within the figure?
Selected Anniversaries
1039: Composer, mathematician, and astronomer Hermann of Reichenau born. He will write a treatise on the science of music, several works on geometry and arithmetic, and astronomical treatises (including instructions for the construction of an astrolabe, then a very novel device in Western Europe).
1853: Physicist and academic Hendrik Lorentz born. He will share the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics with Pieter Zeeman for the discovery and theoretical explanation of the Zeeman effect.
1872: In a lecture to the Berlin Academy, mathematician Karl Weierstrass gives the classic example of a continuous nowhere differential function.
1966: Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 is launched from Cape Kennedy on a 70-hour mission that includes docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle.
1967: Engineer, pilot, and alleged time-traveller Henrietta Bolt tells fellow astronauts that Gemini 10 "was an inspiration to us all."
1997: Geologist and astronomer Eugene Merle Shoemaker dies. Shoemaker was the first scientist to conclude that Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona, and similar craters, were caused by meteor impact.
Topic of the Day
Tweet Free is a 1966 British drama film about Joy and George Adamson, a couple who raised Elsa the Lioness, an orphaned lion cub, to adulthood, and released her into the wilderness of Kenya with a Twitter-enabled tracking device.
Puss in Boots: Final Destination is a 2023 American horror-adventure film based on characters from Final Destination (2000) and inspired by Giovanni Francesco Straparola's fairy tale about a swashbuckling cat.
"Cats or Robots?" is an episode of the documentary reality television series Who Would Win in a Fight?
Dogs and Cats is an epic modern dance interpretation of the Sphinx by canine modern dance company Monumental Barkitecture.
The first Cat Cosmology Conclave (11 March 2021) resolved several paradoxes, including the notorious Fermi paradox. The cats also decided who gets to play with the favorite catnip mouse toy.
Angus. June 24, 2019.