July 13
Better Than News
Popeye the Blade Runner Man is a 1982 science fiction comedy-horror film starring Rutger Hauer as Popeye and Joe Turkel as Bluto.
Saw of the South is a American live-action/animated musical horror film in the Saw franchise.
Princess Bride 2: The Dark Bride is a 2008 superhero neo-noir fantasy crime film starring Cary Elwes, Heath Ledger, and Robin Wright.
The Three Stigmata of Jerry Maguire is a 1964 science fiction romantic sports comedy novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick.
Apocalypse Dove is an epic Western war film starring Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Martin Sheen, and Marlon Brando.
Beyond Plausible
VaderU Kids is an online university for Sith children.
In Other Words
Cuja is an American dog misgendering horror film based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King.
Are You Sure
... that organic chemist August Kekulé discovered the chemical structure of benzene during a dream?
... singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and alleged math criminal Skip Digits donated all proceeds from his hit song Klepsydra to the Institute for the Prevention of Crimes Against Mathematical Constants?
Selected Anniversaries
100 BC: Roman general and statesman Julius Caesar born. He will play a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
1527: Mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer John Dee born. He will achieve high status as a scholar and play a role in Elizabethan politics.
1896: Organic chemist Friedrich August Kekulé dies. From the 1850s until his death, Kekulé was one of the most prominent chemists in Europe, especially in theoretical chemistry. He was the principal founder of the theory of chemical structure.
1956: John McCarthy (Dartmouth College), Marvin Minsky (MIT), Claude Shannon (Bell Labs), and Nathaniel Rochester (IBM) assemble the first coordinated research meeting on the topic of "Artificial intelligence" at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. USA.
1972: Signed first edition of Skip Digits, Conductor sells for one million dollars; House Democrats say money trail leads to Richard Nixon.
1973: Watergate scandal (nonfiction): Alexander Butterfield reveals the existence of the "Nixon tapes" to the special Senate committee investigating the Watergate break-in.
1974: Mathematician and crime-fighter Hilary Putnam publishes his landmark paper arguing that mathematics is not purely logical, but "quasi-empirical", and that we should beware the possibility of "quasi-empirical crimes".
Topic of the Day
This Is Panel Truck is a documentary film about the history of panel trucks narrated by the fictional English heavy metal band Spinal Tap.
"Me and My Pierce-Arrow" is a song written and recorded by non-Euclidean singer-songwriter Sly Harrowed Innards for his 1970 album Poet Hint?
Apes With Car Keys is a short documentary film about human evolution.
"The Commuters forgot one thing ... Traffic, John! Traffic from the Id—!!
Bobby Fun-Trucker is a 1977 American science fiction teensploitation film about a boy who can transform himself into a Chevy van. Co-starring Danny DeVito as Martini.
"Hardest Auto Fetish Fun" is an anagram of "The Fast and the Furious".