Harvey Darko
Harvey Darko is an American science fiction psychological comedy-thriller film directed by Henry Koster and Richard Kelly, starring James Stewart, Josephine Hull, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Jena Malone.
In the News
Harry Potter and the Rabbit of Azkaban is an American science fiction psychological fantasy thriller film written and directed by Richard Kelly, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Daniel Radcliffe, and Emma Watson.
A Scanner Darko is a science fiction psychological thriller novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick.
When Harvey Met Sally... is American comedy-drama film about a man (James Stewart) whose best friend is an invisible rabbit, and the ensuing debacle when his girlfriend (Meg Ryan) tries to have him committed to a sanatorium.
The Abominable Elmer Dowd is a comedy-horror film directed by Henry Koster and Robert Fuest, starring James Stewart, Vincent Price, and Josephine Hull.
Barbie Darko: Commitment to Sparkle Motion is a science fiction psychological comedy film directed by Greta Gerwig and Richard Kelly.
Fiction cross-reference
- A Scanner Darko
- Barbie Darko
- Dr. Frankrabbit, or How We Got Along After the Plane
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Harry Potter and the Rabbit of Azkaban
- The Abominable Elmer Dowd
- When Harvey Met Sally...
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Donnie Darko @ Wikipedia
- Donnie Darko - trailer @ YouTube
- Fear and love classroom scene @ YouTube
- Movie theater scene @ YouTube
- Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion @ YouTube
- Pearl Jam feat. Sparkle Motion - Dance of the Clairvoyants (Donnie Darko) @ YouTube
- Harvey (1950 film) @ Wikipedia
- Harvey (1950 film) - trailer @ YouTube
- Bar scene @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (1 March 2024)
- 2000s (nonfiction)
- 2001 (nonfiction)
- Michael Andrews (nonfiction)
- Drew Barrymore (nonfiction)
- Donnie Darko (nonfiction)
- James Duval (nonfiction)
- Adam Fields (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Jake Gyllenhaal (nonfiction)
- Maggie Gyllenhaal (nonfiction)
- Nancy Juvonen (nonfiction)
- Mary McDonnell (nonfiction)
- Richard Kelly (nonfiction)
- Jena Malone (nonfiction)
- Sean McKittrick (nonfiction)
- Katharine Ross (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Patrick Swayze (nonfiction)
- Thrillers (nonfiction)
- Noah Wyle (nonfiction)
- Animals (nonfiction)
- Rabbits (nonfiction)
- 1950s (nonfiction)
- 1950 (nonfiction)
- Comedies (nonfiction)
- Peggy Dow (nonfiction)
- Charles Drake (nonfiction)
- Films
- Harvey (1950 film) (nonfiction)
- Josephine Hull (nonfiction)
- Henry Koster (nonfiction)
- Frank Skinner (nonfiction)
- James Stewart (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)