Guy and Woman

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"Guy and Woman" is an essay by Karl Jones.

Guy and Woman

I know a Guy, someone I assume you don't know. He's a good Guy. Guy's are like my politics. His humor is much like my humor. We have smoked many a [REDACTED] together, Guy and I.

Guy has a woman, Woman. I like Woman, she is also a good guy, so to speak. Plus, woman has artistic talent and has worked hard and diligently to build a business using her talent.

Guy, he also has artistic talents, and ambitions attached these talents. And he can be the most tenacious Let's-Get-It-Done leader by example, working those long hours.

But Guy, he doesn't work very hard on certain talents, and feel unhappiness on this account.

All of which is setup for the event. I watched this event happen a dozen times or more over several decades, always this dynamic:

Guy and Woman and I are socializing, perhaps at their home, perhaps out at a bar or restaurant. It's early, the "What's New" phase of friends getting together.

Let's say Guy tells me his What's New first, as is natural, he and I are the core friends, Woman and I mainly socialize when Guy and I socialize. We chat about Guy's thing for a bit.

I then turn to Woman and ask: "So, Woman, what is your What's New?"

And let's say it's something substantial — Woman has a new client, flying her down to Houston to take photos of a hotel complex under construction. Good money coming in, busy times. I congratulate Woman on her latest success.

Guy then whines like a sad puppy because he did not get praised.

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