February 21
Better Than News
Undercover Jester is a 1955 medieval police procedural training film starring Danny Kaye as a police forensic dramatist working undercover as a court jester.
The Golden Ratio Girls is an American mathematical sitcom about three older Goddesses who share a home in Etruria.
2001: A Shine Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction horror buddy film which follows an alcoholic writer (Jack Nicholson) and a sentient computer (HAL 9000) on a voyage to Jupiter after the discovery of an alien fire axe.
Not Milk? (stylized as not milk?) is an advertising campaign encouraging the non-consumption of milk by Bronze-age warriors.
The Bounty Hunter starring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler is one of the "Forbidden Episodes of the television series Star Trek.
Beyond Plausible
The war between consensus reality and reality is an ongoing high-energy literature research project.
In Other Words
Hot Punch-Outs is an American brand of microwaveable fisticuffs generally containing one or more types of hitting, kicking, or head-butting.
World War I is a zombie superhero film about a United Nations metallurgist (Brad Pitt) who must find a cure for the Iron Man zombie plague.
Taco Bell 2049 is an American multinational chain of science fiction themed post-Mexican cuisine fast-food restaurants.
Are You Sure
• ... that mathematician and engineer Girard Desargues was one of the founders of projective geometry; and that Desargues' theorem, the Desargues graph, and the crater Desargues on the Moon are named in his honor?
Selected Anniversaries
1591: Mathematician and engineer Girard Desargues born. He will be one of the founders of projective geometry.
1592: Canterbury scrying engine crashes, predicts faulty future; the resulting paradox will develop into an epidemic of capacitor failure by the early twenty-first century.
1677: Philosopher, scholar, and lens-grinder Baruch Spinoza dies. He laid the groundwork for the 18th-century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe.
1788: Scientist, inventor, and engineer Francis Ronalds born. He will be knighted for creating the first working electric telegraph.
1900: Astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth dies. Smyth made innovations in astronomy, and made pyramidological and metrological studies of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
1926: Physicist and academic Heike Kamerlingh Onnes dies. He received widespread recognition for his work, including the 1913 Nobel Prize in Physics for "his investigations on the properties of matter at low temperatures which led, inter alia, to the production of liquid helium".
Topic of the Day
Pierce Brosnan
Fly Another Day is a 2002 aviation-drama film about an aeronautical engineer (Pierce Brosnan) who must stop a ruthless secret agent (Ferdinand von Zeppelin) from destroying an advanced luxury airship.
Dune Another Day: James Bond must locate a mole in Atreides intelligence who betrayed him, and a Harkonnen billionaire who is later revealed to be connected to a Sardauker operative that Bond seemingly killed.