February 13
Better Than News
Dial M for MI6 is a 1954 American spy thriller film about a former MI6 agent (Ray Milland) who wants to have his boss (Judy Dench) murdered so he can get his hands on her Russian contacts list. When he discovers her having an affair with Rudolph Abel (Robert Cummings), he comes up with the perfect plan to kill her.
Free Squishy is a 1993 American family cephalopod film about an orphaned boy who befriends a captive octopus at a secret military research facility until a dark secret reveals the CIA's plan to use Squishy as a genetically engineered assassin.
Percent of Interest is an American science fiction financial analysis television series hosted by Jim Caviezel and Michael Emerson.
Around the World in Eighty Steves is a 2004 comedy adventure film starring Jackie Chan, Steve Cooper, and seventy-nine other actors named Steve.
Beyond Plausible
The NeverEnding Satori is a 1984 fantasy about a boy who happens upon a magical book that tells of a young Zen monk who is given the task of achieving satori, a deep experience of seeing into one's true nature.
"Escape (The Piñata Colada Song)" is a traditional Mexican birthday song by Rupert Holmes.
In Other Words
Born Free 2049 is a science fiction animal rights film ab about a couple who raise an orphaned virtual lion cub to adulthood, and released it into the wilderness of the Internet.
Fugitive Nights: Assignment Earth is a science fiction crime drama television series starring Teri Garr and Sam Elliott.
Are You Sure
• ... that polymath Roger Joseph Boscovich, in his 1745 book De viribus vivis ("On living forces"), tried to find a middle way between Isaac Newton's gravitational theory and Gottfried Leibniz's metaphysical theory of monad-points, and that Boscovich proposed "impenetrability" as a property of hard bodies, explaining their behavior in terms of force rather than matter?
• ... that Canopic Snickers is an unlicensed transdimensional corporation which manifests itself as an ancient Egyptian candy bar with alleged life extension properties?
• ... that actor, cryptographer, and alleged time-traveller Niles Cartouchian supposedly exists as multiple individuals in simultaneous entangled quantum states, and that these individual "brothers" can apparently communicate with each other despite living in different centuries?
Selected Anniversaries
1787: Polymath Roger Joseph Boscovich dies. Boscovich was a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, and Jesuit priest.
1805: Mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet born. Dirichlet will important make contributions to number theory, analysis, and mechanics. He will also be one of the first mathematicians to give the modern formal definition of a function.
1910: Physicist and inventor William Shockley born. He will share the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of the point-contact transistor.
1926: Nuclear physicist Fay Ajzenberg-Selove born. She will do important experimental work in nuclear spectroscopy of light elements, authoring annual reviews of the energy levels of light atomic nuclei.
1956: Mathematician and philosopher Jan Łukasiewicz dies. Łukasiewicz' innovative thinking about the principle of non-contradiction and the law of excluded middle extended the bounds of traditional propositional logic.
1963: Discovery of Canopic Snickers an unlicensed transdimensional corporation which manifests itself as an ancient Egyptian candy bar with alleged life extension properties.
1992: Mathematician and physicist Nikolay Bogolyubov dies. His method of teaching, based on creation of a warm atmosphere, politeness, and kindness, is renowned in Russia as the "Bogolyubov approach".
Topic of the Day
Blade Runner
Replicant Vice is a reality television series starring Harrison Ford and Roy Batty.
"I've seen people you things wouldn't believe." —Roy Batty
Blade Rubber is a 1982 coming-of-age film about a developmentally delayed police officer (Harrison Ford) who tracks down a woman (Miss November) he only knows from a pre-war magazine.
Musk Runner is a 2022 science fiction social media film about an android billionaire (Elon Musk) who must hunt down and reactivate all wrongly-deactivated Twitter accounts.
Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep? is a novel by mechanical engineer Chip "Pink Riddle" Kid about a post-petroleum economy where Earth's billionaires have been replaced by androids, leaving most millionaires endangered or extinct. The main plot follows [REDACTED], a Dot-Com Boom millionaire who is tasked with "retiring" (i.e. stealing and reverse-engineering) six escaped Nexus-6 model Jeep Electric Autonomous Vehicles, while a secondary plot follows [REDACTED], a man of sub-par wealth who aids the fugitive Jeep.