Diary (May 30, 2020)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Saturday May 30, 2020.

Previous: Diary (May 29, 2020) - Next: Diary (May 31, 2020)


Minneapolis riots umbrella man

Riot does not cover it. Minneapolis has been ... never mind. I have words but no use writing them here.

I spent the day and might obsessing about Minneapolis riots umbrella man (nonfiction). Big wiki updates, it's all about Umbrella Man and Pizza Dude and the riots for a while.

Investigate and prosecute

[Context: User Brainspore: "It might be a cop, but there’s no need to posit conspiracy theories about [anything]"]

Stronger: forbid all speculation online. Tamp it down. Take it offline, talk in private.

Investigate like a detective, with all your suspicions alert, following your intuition. But never speak publicly beyond the evidence. State only facts, never voice suspicions in public.

Speak like a prosecuting attorney, as aggressively as possible. But never speak beyond the evidence, nor prosecute beyond the evidence.

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference

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