Diary (January 19, 2021)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Tuesday January 19, 2021.

Previous: Diary (January 18, 2021) - Next: Diary (January 20, 2021)




Should I quote the wisdom of people who have engaged in behavior I consider unethical or immoral? Should I draw inspiration from teachers who at some times in their lives treated others badly? For instance, Pisces-born Ted Geisel, better known as beloved author Dr. Seuss, cheated on his wife while she was sick, ultimately leading to her suicide. Should I therefore banish him from my memory and never mention the good he did in the world? Or should I forgive him of his sins and continue to appreciate him? I don't have a fixed set of rules about how to decide questions like these. How about you? The coming weeks will be a good time to redefine your relationship with complicated people.

Rob Brezny's Free Will Astrology - Week of January 21st, 2021

House and feed the world

We could house and feed the world, if that's what we really wanted to do.

And it will be — it will be something we want to do.

Despite all the savagery around us, we are moving in the right direction, historically:

  • Larger and larger units of people who are "us", and in principle must be protected as co-equals.
  • Greater and greater consensus that war, slavery, killing, and rape are savage barbaric traditions which we must consciously outgrow and prohibit by force.

Today one neighborhood, tomorrow America, someday the world.

Comment @ Facebook

Published as House and feed the world.


Spreading disinformation and propaganda is worse that wrong and shameful and undermining of public health.

It is Evil.

We know, from thousands of years of experience, that lying is evil. Is not Satan the "Father of Lies"?

Which reminds me—

“It is easy - terribly easy - to shake a man's faith in himself. To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit is devil's work.”

—George Bernard Shaw

Howard Kranz - G. B. Shaw reference

Facebook suspension follow-up

Rules are rules. I don't believe in gaming the system — it is beneath my dignity as a poet and champion of the Enlightenment.

Sure, I would like people to admire my work. I am vain that way.

But I try to keep my vanity in check, because it eats up precious time, contributing nothing to my work.

See Facebook suspension (January 17, 2021).

Caviar by Catapult

In the age of pandemics, do you find it difficult to get good caviar without catching Covid from the lower classes?

Caviar by Catapult is on the way!

We fly top-quality sturgeon caviar direct by jet from the depths of Lake Baikal to the Amazon delivery depot nearest you.

Then we load the caviar in our patented Super Catapult and fling it safely to your house, untouched by the lower classes.

Caviar by Catapult

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