Diary (February 17, 2013)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Sunday February 17, 2013.

Previous: Diary (February 16, 2013) - Next: Diary (February 18, 2013)



Marketing Deportment

I'm not thinking of models, advertising, booth babes, or any particular product or industry. I'm talking about the marketing directors, and their assistants, that I have met over the years -- the internal business of me (tech) meeting with Marketing, so everybody can play their part in the corporate passion play.

Why the background image isn't right yet? But the new logo looks good, don't you think? Which features should we try to finish by next summer? And -- gulp -- what are the marketing people are going to tell their bosses about why the current project is late? and so on.

Some of the companies I have worked for are un-sexy, un-glamourous corporate outfits -- yet the marketing people are chronically Beautiful People. I haven't worked for a tractor manufacturer, but I'll bet their marketing director is a looker, and not a weather-beaten farm wife.

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