Bookmarklet (nonfiction)
In web browsers, a bookmarklet is a bookmark or a hyperlink that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to the browser.
Regardless of whether bookmarklet utilities are stored as bookmarks or hyperlinks, they add one-click functions to a browser or web page.
When clicked, a bookmarklet performs one of a wide variety of operations, such as running a search query or extracting data from a table. For example, clicking on a bookmarklet after selecting text on a webpage could run an Internet search on the selected text and display a search engine results page.
Another name for bookmarklet is favelet or favlet, derived from favorite.
Steve Kangas of coined the word bookmarklet when he started to create short scripts based on a suggestion in Netscape's JavaScript guide.Before that, Tantek Çelik called these scripts favelets and used that word as early as on 6 September 2001 (personal email). Brendan Eich, who developed JavaScript at Netscape, gave an account of the origin of bookmarklets [to do: add quotation].
In the News
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links:
- Bookmarklet @ Wikipedia
- Bookmarklet Maker @
- jQuery Bookmarklet Generator by Ben Alman
- jQuery Bookmarklets @
- Using jQuery and GitHub to create a bookmarklet @
- add-jquery-bookmarklet.js @
- bookmarklet.js @