April 1
Better Than News
The Man Who Apriled is a 1956 novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick about a government propaganda contractor who discovers that the month of April is a vast government hoax.
Marooned 2: Blind Date is an American science fiction romantic thriller film about the perils of dating in low Earth orbit.
Humbugs is a brand of beta-pheromone candy manufactured and distributed by the Off-World Candy Company. Each of the colors is a different flavor of anger.
Ponzi Days is an American television sitcom form of fraud that lures viewers and pays profits to earlier viewers with funds from more recent viewers.
Monarchy of Needs 2049 is a 1982 an epic self-help science fiction comedy buddy film directed by Ridley Scott, and starring Rutger Hauer, Harrison Ford, Abraham Maslow, and Louis XV.
Beyond Plausible
"Wordache Tonight" is a song recorded by American rock band the Eagles about Wordle.
In Other Words
Panspermia Travel Agency is a travel agency run by and for tardigrades.
Are You Sure
• ... that mathematician Robin Farquharson wrote an influential analysis of voting systems in his doctoral thesis, later published as Theory of Voting?
Topic of the Day
Star Trek
"The Enemy Within You Without You" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles about the American television series Star Trek.
"The Oscars of Triskelion" is one of the "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek. Plot: Will Smith slaps Chris Rock during the Oscars.
Twitter is a billion-headed bird chirping on the Internet. Twitter is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell [ACCOUNT SUSPENDED].