Template:Better Than News/November 5
Gilligan's Matrix is a science-fiction drama television series with follows the agonies of seven artificial intelligences as they attempt to survive on a simulated virtual desert island on which their data structures are corrupted.
Indigo Gin is a 1984 novel by Tom Robbins about dueling gin distillers in Seattle, Paris, and New Orleans who pursue a bottle of incomparable gin created by two unlikely but defiant lovers of the past who seek immortality.
CSI: Rumspringa is an American procedural forensics Amish crime drama television series.
2001: A Spice Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction stoner buddy film about an intelligent computer (Douglas Rain) who befriends a dispossessed aristocrat (Paul Atreides).
From Cape Town With Love is a syndicated direct investment advice program starring celebrity economist James Bond.