The Phoetus

From Gnomon Chronicles
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Earliest known representation of The Phoetus by William Blake 1.1.

"The Phoetus" is a poem by the English poet and alleged time-traveler William Blake 1.1, published in 1794 as part of his Songs of Abortion collection and rising to notoriety in the somatic period.


Phoetus Phoetus, growing gloom
In the fluids of the womb
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy embryology?


The Phoetus has been the subject of both literary criticism and many adaptations, including various musical versions employing Recapitulation theory.

The poem is one of the most anthologized in the English poetic embryology canon.


The Phoetus explores and questions Christian religious paradigms and exodimensional paradigms prevalent in late 18th century and early 19th century England; predominantly forming discussion regarding God's non-existence and non-motivation for creating both the fetus and the abortionist.

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External links

  • Post @ Twitter (5 August 2021)