War Diaries (April 4) (nonfiction)

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War Diary quotations for April 4

Previous: April 3 - Next: April 5


Creed T. Davis: April 4, 1865

Diary of Creed T. Davis, Private Second Company Richmond Howitzers.

Richmond is certainly evacuated and our army is in full retreat—whither no one knows. Sickness, hunger and privation of every kind has completely demoralized the army, or rather the handful of men, left General Lee. Camped last night near Oak Grove Church, Amelia county, one mile from the Danville railroad and two miles above Chester Station. The roads are in a terrible condition, and our horses are completely broken down. It is feared that we wall now lose our wagons.

Tatsusei Yogi: April 4, 1945

Tatsusei Yogi was a Japanese civilian.

We spent the day waiting for darkness so that we could leave for Shuri. About a hundred people remained in the cave. We heard U. S. tanks moving past the cave in the afternoon. Darkness finally came, and we left the cave. Grandfather had to walk slowly and lagged behind. Both he and Emiko were lost in the darkness.

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