Super-logarithm (nonfiction)

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In mathematics, the super-logarithm (or tetra-logarithm) is one of the two inverse functions of tetration.

Just as exponentiation has two inverse functions (roots and logarithms), tetration has two inverse functions (super-roots and super-logarithms)).

There are several ways of interpreting super-logarithms:

  • As the Abel function of exponential functions,
  • As the inverse function of tetration with respect to the height,
  • As the number of times a logarithm must be iterated to get to 1 (the Iterated logarithm),
  • As a generalization of Robert Munafo's large number class system,

The precise definition of the super-logarithm depends on a precise definition of non-integral tetration. There is no clear consensus on the definition of non-integral tetration and so there is likewise no clear consensus on the super-logarithm for non-integer range.

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