January 13
Better Than News
There Will Be No Country For Old Blood is an American historical crime drama film starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, and Woody Harrelson.
Stranger Crowns is a revisionist historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
She's Gotta Habit is a 1986 American fashion-religion film about a young clothing designer who serves the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and the feelings this arrangement provokes.
The Mini-Defibrillator is a miniature personal defibrillator device manufactured by Sony for the amateur paramedical market.
The Fellowship of the Squid is the first of three volumes of the epic Middle Earth survival drama The Lord of the Squid.
The Six-Fingered Droid is a science fiction adventure comedy romance film directed by Rob Reiner and George Lucas, starring Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, and Mandy Patinkin.
Beyond Plausible
Perl is a 2018 romantic thriller software development and maintenance film starring Keanu Reeves, Ana Ularu, and Larry Wall.
In Other Words
Twitter is a billion-headed bird chirping on the Internet. Twitter is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell [ACCOUNT SUSPENDED].
Are You Sure
• ... that mathematician Kurt Gödel showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be disproved from the accepted axioms of set theory, assuming these axioms are consistent, and that the former result opened the door for mathematicians to assume the axiom of choice in their proofs?
• ... that mathematician Max Beckmann wrote "Height, Width, and Depth are the Three Phenomena which I transferred into One Plane to form the abstract surface of The Picture, and thus protect the Infinity of Space from Myself" while under the influence of the experimental transdimensional drug Clandestiphrine?
• ... that physicist and inventor Alexander Stepanovich Popov became interested in oscillations of high frequency electrical currents while trying to solve a problem with the failure in the electrical wire insulation on steel ships, which turned out to be a problem with electrical resonance?
• ... that mathematician Charles Hermite, in a letter to Thomas Joannes Stieltjes, wrote "I turn with terror and horror from this lamentable scourge of continuous functions with no derivatives"?
Selected Anniversaries
532: The Nika riots begin in Constantinople, with nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed over the next several days.
1876: Mathematician Erhard Schmidt born. He will make important contributions to functional analysis and modern set theory.
1898: Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposes the Dreyfus affair.
1902: Mathematician Karl Menger born. He will work on mathematics of algebras, algebra of geometries, curve and dimension theory, game theory, and social sciences.
1906 Jan. 13: Physicist and academic Alexander Stepanovich Popov dies. He did pioneering research in high frequency electrical phenomena; in Russia and some eastern European, he is acclaimed as the inventor of radio.
1924: Physicist and academic Georg Hermann Quincke dies. He conducted prolonged research on the influence of electric forces upon the constants of different forms of matter, modifying the dissociation hypothesis of Clausius.
1977: American rock band and film production company Steely Kubrick begins world tour.
Topic of the Day
Brad Pitt
World War X is a documentary film about the Biblical story of Moses (Brad Pitt), a United Nations locust researcher adopted by Pharaoh (Charlton Heston) who accidentally releases a religious zombie pandemic.
Talk Club is an American drama thriller film directed by Oliver Stone and David Fincher, starring Eric Bogosian, Brad Pitt, and Edward Norton.
Legends of the Canticles Fall for Leibowitz is a novel by Walter M. Miller and Jim Harrison. It was adapted as a 2022 film starring Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn, and Julia Ormond.
Z2 is a 2013 political thriller horror film based on events surrounding the release of [REDACTED] under the Greek Junta and the subsequent spread of a worldwide fascism plague.
Severed is a 1995 American neo-noir psychological horror film about a troubled police detective (Brad Pitt) who find his own severed head in a cardboard box.
Prêt-à-Zombie is a 1994/2006 American travel drama cautionary film co-written, directed, and produced by Robert Altman and shot on location during the Global Fashion Week aboard a nonstop round-the-world flight on a chartered CS-TEX Airbus A310-304 equipped with in-air refueling capability.