Miracle Whip
Miracle Whip is a 1981 action-cooking film about an archaeologist (Indiana Jones) seeking a legendary jar of miraculous mayonnaise.
In the News
Indiana Jones 2049 is an American neo-noir action-adventure film about K, a Nexus-9 replicant Whip Runner who uncovers a secret that threatens to destabilize the Indiana Jones franchise and the course of civilization.
Indiana Jones and the Fresh Prince of Doom is a 1984 American action-comedy film about a swashbuckling archaeologist (Indiana Jones) who is asked by a desperate Philadelphia family to shield their son (Will Smith) from violent street thugs.
Soil-to-Can Meals is a line of packaged food and residual soil products from Human Feedstock, sold as part of the Easy Trough brand from Grand Chef Tarkin.
The Unbearable Lightness of Light Mayonnaise is a 1988 American documentary film, an interpretation of the 1984 novel of the same name by Milan Kundera.
Elgin Marbles, Archaeology Fighter is a 2021 social justice action-archaeology film about Elgin Marbles, an orphan baby discovered in Heinrich Schliemann's excavation of Troy grows up to fight the world's deadliest criminal mastermind archaeologists.
Fiction cross-reference
- Elgin Marbles, Archaeology Fighter
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Indiana Jones 2049
- Indiana Jones and the Fresh Prince of Doom
- Soil-to-Can Meals
- The Unbearable Lightness of Light Mayonnaise
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Miracle Whip @ Wikipedia
- 1988 Miracle Whip TV Commercial @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones @ Wikipedia
- Indiana Jones Supercut @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones Supercut @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones' most iconic scenes @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones bullwhip compilation @ YouTube
Social media