February 13

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Better Than News

Beyond Plausible

In Other Words

Are You Sure

• ... that polymath Roger Joseph Boscovich, in his 1745 book De viribus vivis ("On living forces"), tried to find a middle way between Isaac Newton's gravitational theory and Gottfried Leibniz's metaphysical theory of monad-points, and that Boscovich proposed "impenetrability" as a property of hard bodies, explaining their behavior in terms of force rather than matter?

• ... that Canopic Snickers is an unlicensed transdimensional corporation which manifests itself as an ancient Egyptian candy bar with alleged life extension properties?

• ... that actor, cryptographer, and alleged time-traveller Niles Cartouchian supposedly exists as multiple individuals in simultaneous entangled quantum states, and that these individual "brothers" can apparently communicate with each other despite living in different centuries?

Topic of the Day

Blade Runner