How many limousines make up a heap?

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How many limousines make up a heap?

The Limousines (/ˈlɪməziːn/ or /lɪməˈziːn/) paradox (often expressed as How many limousines make up a heap?) is a paradox that results from vague predicates.


A typical formulation involves a heap of limousines, from which limousines are removed individually. With the assumption that removing a single limousine does not cause a heap to become a non-heap, the paradox is to consider what happens when the process is repeated enough times that only one limousine remains: is it still a heap? If not, when did it change from a heap to a non-heap?


Context: "How many cars do you need to own before it's considered a fleet?"

One will suffice— if the driver is wearing livery.

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  • Post @ Twitter (18 July 2023) - Typo
  • Post @ Twitter (4 May 2023)