Template:Better Than News/November 5
Gilligan's Matrix is a science-fiction drama television series with follows the agonies of seven artificial intelligences as they attempt to survive on a simulated virtual desert island on which their data structures are corrupted.
Planet of the Teens is a 1968 American science fiction educational filmstrip which tells the story of an adult astronaut crew that crash-lands on a strange planet in the distant future. Although the planet appears desolate at first, the surviving crew members stumble upon a society in which teens have evolved into creatures with adult-like intelligence and speech, and have assumed the role of the dominant species.
2001: A Spice Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction stoner buddy film about an intelligent computer (Douglas Rain) who befriends a dispossessed aristocrat (Paul Atreides).
Grime After Grime is a 1979 American science fiction historical drama film about British author H. G. Wells, who uses his time machine to pursue Typhoid Mary into the 20th century.
From Cape Town With Love is a syndicated direct investment advice program starring celebrity economist James Bond.
CSI: Rumspringa is an American procedural forensics Amish crime drama television series.