Template:Better Than News/March 5
Guess Hughes Coming to Dinner is a 1967 American romantic aviation drama film, one of the few films of the time to depict Howard Hughes in a positive light, as Hughes had become an eccentric recluse.
Dr. Robber is a song by the British rock group The Beatles.
Our Armadillidiidae Overlords is an unlicensed transdimensional corporation which disguises itself as One Two Three ... Infinity by George Gamow.
I Know What You Did Last Zummer is a 1997 American sex education film. It draws inspiration from the urban legend known as the Nook, and the 1980s sex education films Prom Nurse (1980) and The Clinic on Sorority Row (1982).
The Bong Supremacy is a 2004 American action-comedy film about a former CIA assassin (Matt Damon) suffering from cannabis amnesia.
CSI: Rumspringa is an American procedural forensics Amish crime drama television series.