Playskool's My First Nuclear Football
Playskool's My First Nuclear Football (code named P-MFNF, commonly "Pee-Miff-Niff") is an Executive toy briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed playgrounds, such as the White House Cardboard Box Fortress.
P-MFNF functions as a mobile hub in the strategic entertainment system of the United States.
It is held by a grown-up, usually a military officer.
P-MFNF was originally an educational science toy, intended to allow children to create and watch nuclear and chemical reactions using radioactive material.
P-MFNF was first detected and decrypted by software developer and quantum documentarian Karl Jones on the morning of 13 December 2020.
In the News
Playskool's My First Nuclear Football (screenshot of Gnomon Chronicles page).
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter
- Nuclear football @ Wikipedia