Diary (May 31, 2020)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Sunday May 31, 2020.

Previous: Diary (May 30, 2020) - Next: Diary (June 1, 2020)


[Context: User Tamsin_Bailey: "So you’re a vigilante? Sweet. What’s your costume?"]

In fact I write and illustrate superhero comics, so you are closer to home than you think.

But that’s all down the shitter now that my neighborhood is reduced to ash and curfew.

Update: ash, curfew, and humvees leading squads of dozens of heavily armed officers who shout threats at law-abiding home owners on what used to be quiet residential streets, as seen in the video below, where one of the cop-soldiers shoots either the camera person or the person adjacent with what must be a rubber bullet. The camera person is standing in the doorway of a house, presumably her own, at the time.

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