One Against Four Hundred and Eighteen

"One Against Four Hundred and Eighteen" is a feature-length documentary film about one U.S. Representative standing alone against the other four-hundred and eighteen Representatives.
The Man Who Voted 1 to 418 Against Human Trafficking Bill in the House o' Reps
One Congressman against four hundred and eighteen Congressman— all of them affluent, many with full-time domestic servants
Matt Gaetz courage when Matt Gaetz needs it most—!
I'm no Boethius
In a forward to the 10 April 2021 edition of the book, Gaetz states that he "draw[s] confidence knowing that the silent majority is growing louder every day" before admitting:
I'm no Boethius.
In the News
Scrying Engine probe of Matt Gaetz's speech at CPAC 2021 reveals "quantum fashion anomalies which cannot be replicated using current technologies."
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter (10 April 2021)
- [ Post] @ Facebook
- Post @ Twitter (31 March 2021)
- Post @ Twitter (30 March 2021)
- Matt Gaetz @ Wikipedia