Virtue signaling

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People say "virtue signaling" as if it were a bad thing.

We all signal our virtue, all the time.

Failure to do so is pathological: the realm of compulsive liars and heartless monsters.

Standing by your principles

You call it "virtue signaling".

I call it "standing by your principles."

What do you signal — your lack of virtue?

  • Post @ Twitter (7 December 2023)


My suspicion — I have no evidence, this is anecdotal — is that "virtue signalling" emerged as a conservative's supposed-to-be-snappy comeback to "dog whistling".

"Oh, I'm a 'dog whistler', am I? Well you're a virtue signalling social justice warrior, nyahh nyahh."

  • Post @ Twitter (18 May 2023)

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  • Post @ Twitter (13 April 2023)