October 11
Better Than News
Wheel of Candy is a 1992 American gothic supernatural horror film about a graduate student completing a thesis on the legend of the "Candyman", the ghost of a game show host who was murdered for rigging the game.
Beverly Hills Corpse is a 1984 American buddy cop action horror film starring Eddie Murphy.
The Many Vocal Instructors of Darth Vader is a short instructional filmstrip about the thousands of vocal instructors who have lost their lives to Darth Vader over contract violations.
CSI: Coruscant is a science fiction procedural forensics crime drama television series about a team of Imperial detectives who investigate the destruction of the Death Star.
Jules Vernacular: His Life and Grammar is a 2022 revisionist biography of famed attorney Jules Vernacular.
Beyond Plausible
Shack Out in Raintree County is an American epic historical crime romance noir western film starring Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Eva Marie Saint, Nigel Patrick, and Lee Marvin.
In Other Words
And did those tweets in ancient time is a poem by William Blake from the preface to his epic Milton: A Poem in Two Posts, one of a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Tweets.
Are You Sure

• ... that mathematician, physicist, physician, and philosopher Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (10 April 1651 – 11 October 1708) invented the Tschirnhaus transformation, by which certain intermediate terms are removed from a given algebraic equation?
• ... that mathematician Anne Penfold Street (11 October 1932 – 28 December 2016) was one of Australia's leading mathematicians; that her work on sum-free sets became a standard reference for its subject matter; that she helped found several important organizations in combinatorics, and supported young students with interest in mathematics?
• ... that Dial U for Unspoofable is a film noir encryption mystery starring Niles Cartouchian as mathematician Kurt Gödel?
• ... that mathematician and physicist Vito Volterra (3 May 1860 – 11 October 1940) joined the opposition to the Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini in 1922; that in 1931 Volterra was one of only 12 out of 1,250 professors who refused to take a mandatory oath of loyalty; and that Volterra wrote: "Empires die, but Euclid’s theorems keep their youth forever."?
Selected Anniversaries
1708: Mathematician, physicist, physician, and philosopher Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus dies. He invented the Tschirnhaus transformation, by which certain intermediate terms are removed from a given algebraic equation.
1889: Physicist and brewer James Prescott Joule dies. He studied the nature of heat, and discovered its relationship to mechanical work.
1932: Mathematician Anne Penfold Street born. She will specialize in combinatorics, authoring several textbooks; her work on sum-free sets will become a standard reference for its subject matter.
1940: Mathematician and physicist Vito Volterra dies. He was one of the founders of functional analysis, making contributions to mathematical biology and integral equations.
1965: Documentary photographer and photojournalist Dorothea Lange dies. Lange is remembered for her Depression-era work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). Her photographs influenced the development of documentary photography and humanized the consequences of the Great Depression.
1996: Mathematician and acadaemic Edwin Spanier dies. Spanier contributed to algebraic topology, co-inventing Spanier–Whitehead duality and Alexander–Spanier cohomology; he also wrote what was for a long time the standard textbook on algebraic topology.
Topic of the Day
Tintinitus is the perception of Tintin when no actual external Tintin is present.