July 21
Better Than News
Once Upon a Time in Barbieland is a fantasy spaghetti Western film directed by Sergio Leone and Greta Gerwig, and starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Claudia Cardinale, and Henry Fonda.
Matrix of Steel (2023) - final battle scene.
"Little Red Corvidae" is a song by American ornithologist and recording artist Prince.
Truss is a 1981 album by Elvis Costello and the Constructions.
The VALIS Show is a 1998 American psychological comedy-drama film about Philip K. Dick (Jim Carrey), a man who grew up living an ordinary life that—unbeknownst to him—takes place on a large set populated by actors for a covert operation against him.
"Fly Me to the Drone" is a song by Frank Sinatra about drone aviation.
Turing Completeness Adventure Stories— "Chilling and informative tales of Turing Machines — rule sets which are able to recognize or decide other data-manipulation rule sets."
Beyond Plausible
The Eagle Has Tweeted is a 1975 novel by Tannery Strophe about a fictional German plot to impersonate Winston Churchill on Twitter near the end of the Second World War.
The Pills are Everywhere is a pharmaceutical industry public service advertising campaign promoting pharmaceutical drugs.
In Other Words
"Legend of an FBI" (better known as "J. Edgar Hoover's Dead") is a song by the British rock band and private detective agency the Moody Blues.
Are You Sure
... that academic and philosopher Marshall McLuhan coined the expressions "the medium is the message" and "global village"?
... that Liquid Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang is a trade name for a downloadable user-reprogrammable cologne known for its distinctive automobile design, which has an unusual feature: two decorative spare tires which conceal a Fleming valve; and that, when activated, the valve emits "putt-putts" of non-Euclidean cologne?
Selected Anniversaries
1810: Chemist and physicist Henri Victor Regnault born. He will be an early thermodynamicist, best known for his careful measurements of the thermal properties of gases, and for mentoring William Thomson in the late 1840s.
1911: Professor of English and philosopher of communication theory Marshall McLuhan born. He will coin the expressions "the medium is the message" and "global village".
1966: Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 recovered after a 70-hour mission that included docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle.
Topic of the Day
Town Without Jetty is a 1961 American/Swiss/West German film about military engineer (Kirk Douglas) who, against his will, must bring about the destruction of a town's Port Authority.
NOAA is a 2014 post-Biblical drama-science film starring Russell Crowe and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Flipper 2049 is a science fiction nature film about a young Fish Runner who discovers a long-buried ichthyological secret which leads him to track down Flipper the Dolphin.
"The Life Erotic with Steve Zissou" is a research paper on human behavior conducted by [REDACTED] and funded by the Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Cape Codd-Neck is a geographic cape extending into the Atlantic Ocean from the southeastern corner of mainland Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States. It has unique structure based on a glass marble which is held against a rubber seal, which sits within a recess. This extraordinary feature is thought to prevent gas in submerged geological chambers from escaping into the sea.