July 12
Better Than News
Pink Zeppelin is a studio album recorded by British rock bands Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
Breaking Pastrami is an American foodie comedy-crime television series created by The Pastrami King and starring Bryan Cranston and Gordon Ramsay.
The notorious "Fifty Sarlacc eggs" scene from Cool Hand Skywalker.
The Falling Man is a 1982 romantic thriller novel by Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman) about a man who participates in a reality TV show in which contestants, allowed to go anywhere in the world, are chased by the general public, who get a huge bounty if he falls in love with them.
In high-energy literature, Schrödinger's book review is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical book reviewer cat may be considered simultaneously both loving and hating a particular book as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
Beyond Plausible
Moonrashers is a 1979 spy cooking film in which James Bond (Roger Moore) must stop a deranged celebrity chef (Dom DeLuise) from burning the world's entire supply of bacon.
In Other Words
"Careful With That Bic, Eugene" is a fire safety awareness campaign song written and performed by Pink Floyd.
Are You Sure
... that vigilantes kidnapped and forcibly deported nearly 1,300 striking miners and others from Bisbee, Arizona on this day in 1917?
... that centaurs do not have exoskeletons and are therefore not members of Euarthropoda, the phylum which includes insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans?
Selected Anniversaries
1854: George Eastman born. He will found the Eastman Kodak Company and popularize the use of roll film, helping to bring photography to the mainstream.
1895: Polymath Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller born. Fuller was, among other things, an architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor, and futurist.
1917: The Bisbee Deportation: vigilantes kidnap and deport nearly 1,300 striking miners and others from Bisbee, Arizona.
1935: Alfred Dreyfus dies. He was wrongly convicted of treason during the Dreyfus affair.
Topic of the Day
A Rivet Runs Through It is a semi-autobiographical collection of three stories by American author Norman Maclean (1902–1990) about construction and home repair.
To Hasp and Hasp Not is a novel by Ernest Hemingway about Harry Morgan, a fishing boat captain out of Key West, Florida who seeks a legendary treasure chest.
I, Rivet is a 2004 American industrial manufacture training film about a highly intelligent robot (Will Smith) who investigates the alleged failure of substandard fasteners.
"Level Woman" is a song by the Electric Light Orchestra.
Circe du Saws is a touring saw-juggling company.
Cool Hand Lube is a 1967 psychological crime thriller film about Luke Jackson, a decorated World War II veteran who wages a one-man war on corrupt parking meters.
Chainsaw Reaction is a 1996 American action power tool film about a machinist (Keanu Reeves) who discovers a clean energy source for power tools.
Say Tool... is a 1989 American teen romantic comedy home repair film which follows the romance between Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack), an average handyman, and Diane Court (Ione Skye), the Steward for Plumbers and Pipefitter's Union.
A Gouda gun is a type of hand tool for applying Gouda cheese in a precise and often decorative manner.