Crimes against mathematical constants

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Diagram indicating rise in crimes against mathematical constants.

Crimes against mathematical constants are crimes against mathematical constants (nonfiction) along with other aspects of mathematics (nonfiction).

Many branches of mathematics (nonfiction) have been exploited for criminal purposes: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics, Gnomon algorithm functions, etc.

Math viruses, usually developed and committed in math labs, are used in crimes against Gnomon algorithm functions.


APTO (the Algorithmic Paradigm Treaty Organization) reviews all Gnomonic Registry Events (GREs) for corruption, spoofing, predatory disauthentication, shape theft, startup of transdimensional corporations, deadly ambiguation, and incipient unlicensed nuclear war, among other conditions.

APTO attempts to detect and prevent all instances of crimes against mathematical constants. Nonetheless, math crimes continue, and so APTO is also a military against involved in both physical and computational combat with the Forbidden Ratio, Gnotilus, Anarchimedes, and other Technical Violants (TVs).

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