Blue Lace Hooks

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Blue Lace Hooks (1958) starring Lana Turner and Red Buttons. (Poster courtesy Gnomon Chronicles Film Board.)

Blue Lace Hooks is a 1958 erotic thriller film starring Lana Turner and Red Buttons.

Corset escape scene

The infamous corset escape scene was filmed live in one take due to the accidental release of [REDACTED] from Turner's subconscious mind.

Only Buttons' quick thinking saved the cast and crew from [REDACTED].

Portions of Blue Lace Hooks, notably the corset escape scene, appear in the short documentary film Some Like it Haute.

Sigmund Freud Middle Earth Mystery series

The complete film is included with [REDACTED], an unpublished monograph in the Sigmund Freud Middle Earth Mystery™ series.

In the monograph, Freud dreams that Lana Turner is his mother as Red Buttons receives thunderous applause for his performance as Oedipus, King of Haberdashers.


Film reviewer Fell Swoop described it as "a hasty and unintentionally comic reboot of Fifty Shades of Gray ... think Eyes of Laura Mars, with Red Buttons instead of eyes."


The film was first detected and decrypted by software developer and APTO consulting fabulist Karl Jones on the afternoon of Saturday, 19 December 2020.

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  • Post @ Twitter (14 March 2023)
  • Post @ Twitter (13 December 2021)
  • Post @ Twitter (5 May 2021)
  • Post @ Twitter (31 March 2021)