John Brunner

John Brunner (? - ?) is an alleged time-traveling crime-fighter.
Brunner was a first responder to the Pi disaster, and is widely credited with preventing the Pi catastrophe.
Brunner experienced the first known manifestation of Malleable Past, Useless Future syndrome.
Author, crime-fighter, and alleged time-traveler John Brunner used a bespoke Lee and Turner color projector as a transdimensional scrying engine.
Not quite time travel proper, but he did break the Programmer Moriarity case.
Also, without Brunner's time-scrying, we would never know that [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] — respectable historical figures — were in fact [EXPLETIVE]-[REDACTED] and [REDACTED]-[EXPLETIVE].
In the News
Brunner analyzes his novel Edge of Eternity using a bespoke Lee and Turner color scrying engine.
2010: Egg Tooth Neighborhood Association sponsors conference on the life and work of writer and crime-fighter John Brunner.
Pipe-smoking figure in The Nightwatchman Spins a Yarn said to be John Brunner.
Lee and Turner color projector converted to scrying engine.
1967: Brunner says he is "bloody certain in his own mind" that Brownian ratchet (nonfiction) is cover story for Brownian racket.
Napolean Bonaparte's death mask reveals secrets to John Brunner.
Writer and peace activist John Brunner denies being a crime-fighter, "whether time-travelling or otherwise."
Fiction cross-reference
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Malleable Past, Useless Future
- Pi catastrophe
- Pika
- Programmer Moriarity
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- [ Post] @ Twitter (21 February 2021)
- Post @ Twitter