Deacon Billy
Deacon Billy is a proposed film in which actor Dennis Hopper will play Deacon Billy, a Merchant Marine captain who trades his ship and crew for the last motorcycle on Earth.
Project status
The project has received substantial product placement sponsorship from Extract of Radium, and hopes are high that EoR management will approve the project for immediate production during the early-1980s, in order to "split the difference" between Easy Rider (1969) and Waterworld (1995).
Famed producer Egon Rhodomunde is backing the project, calling it "a chance to work with the most bent-out-of-shape genius of our time, or any time — Dennis fucking Hopper."
In the News
"The way the Sixties are going, the Fifties are going the make the Forties feel like the Thirties!"
Indiana Jones Versus the Oil Pirates of the Caribbean is an action-adventure film in the Indiana Jones franchise. Dennis Hopper plays a charismatic antihero who discovers the so-called "Peak Jones" effect, when the world has more Indiana Jones films that it can sustain.