Diary (November 22, 2020)

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Revision as of 15:03, 22 November 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Online diary of Karl Jones for Sunday November 22, 2020.

Previous: Diary (November 21, 2020) - Next: Diary (November 23, 2020)


Twitter Suspension

Twitter suspension.

Twitter has suspended one of my accounts — the @karl_jones account.

I call my posts "citizen-journalism", but I expect they banned me for spammy behavior, and indeed my behavior was spammy.

No use noting that I gathered followers with every post, and that I was careful about citizen-journalism standards. Spammy is spammy.

Rule Games

Do they? Knowing how to exploit poorly-worded rules isn't the same skill as being able to write well-worded rules. In my head it relates slightly to cryptography -- nearly *anybody* can invent a cipher they themselves cannot break!

Rule Games

Gnomon Chronicles Film Board

Gnomon Chronicles Film Board - GCFB, a division of APTO

T-Rex and Triceratops

T-Rex and Triceratops - short dramatic film about unlikely copulation by disparate species employing postures of dubious grace and efficacy.

T-Rexatops & Tricera-Tex

T-Rexatops & Tricera-Tex

Thomas Jefferson, Secular Ecstatic

Thomas Jefferson, Secular Ecstatic

Humor must be maintained, or the Empire is doomed

Humor Must Be Maintained

Socialist Green Lantern

Who Would Win in a Fugue?

Who Would Win in a Fugue?

Predatory Micronations of the North Atlantic

Predatory Micronations of the North Atlantic

Wide World World of Microaggressions

Wide World World of Microaggressions

Partisan Politics

Partisan Politics

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference

External links